Resolution: Fixed
Not Evaluated
I am facing a strange conversion of a python wrapper being made for a member variable of a class.
The generated code is the following:
static PyObject Sbk_LUT_get_m_LUT_DATA_UB(PyObject *self, void * / closure */) { if (!Shiboken::Object::isValid(self)) return {}; auto *cppSelf = static_cast<LUTWrapper *>(reinterpret_cast< ::LUT *>(Shiboken::Conversions::cppPointer(Shiboken::Module::get(Sbkmy_python_moduleTypeStructs[SBK_LUT_IDX]), reinterpret_cast<SbkObject *>(self)))); SBK_UNUSED(cppSelf) unsigned char cppOut_local = static_cast<LUTWrapper *>(cppSelf)->m_LUT_DATA_UB; PyObject *pyOut = {}; pyOut = Shiboken::Conversions::copyToPython(Shiboken::Conversions::PrimitiveTypeConverter<unsigned char>(), cppOut_local); return pyOut; }
What I expect is that the line
unsigned char cppOut_local = static_cast<LUTWrapper *>(cppSelf)->m_LUT_DATA_UB;
would be generated as
unsigned char* cppOut_local = static_cast<LUTWrapper *>(cppSelf)->m_LUT_DATA_UB;
as that is the type of the member variable. If I add the * and do not re-generate the wrapper, the compiler accepts this code. What is the problem in this case? I could not find any answers on stackoverflow or elsewhere on the internet, but maybe I lack the vocabulary to specify exactly what the problem is.
In the bindings.xml I simply specify
<object-type name="LUT" exception-handling="true"/>
and I do not specify any special conversion functions. This only happens for pointer types of primitive-types. I have a custom histogram class for example, that also is held as a pointer in the member of another class. That wrapper generates correctly (with auto* instead of the type itself).
I am unsure if this is a bug, or simply a small mistake somewhere in my own code.
For completeness:
I am running Qt 6.7.2 with shiboken6 (-generator) version 6.7.2 and PySide6 version 6.7.2 (built from source myself) under python 3.12
The code I am converting is C++17 compliant and built using MSVC 2019