Resolution: Out of scope
Not Evaluated
Linux Fedora 40
Pyside6 6.7.2
Python 3.12
I'm using Pyside6 6.7.2 on Linux (Fedora 40) installed using pip. I'm doing some testings with `Qt3DExtras.QText2DEntity`. Attached on this bug report there a simple test I'm using. On Macos (Arm M1) this test in running OK, without problems. But on Linux I'm having problems. This is output error:
❯ python Qt3D.Renderer.RHI.Backend: Initializing RHI with OpenGL backend Failed to compile shader: 0(37) : error C7532: global variable gl_FragDepth requires "#version 300" or later 0(37) : error C0000: ... or #extension GL_NV_fragdepth : enableSource was: #version 100 #extension GL_OES_standard_derivatives : require precision highp float; precision highp int;struct qt3d_custom_uniforms { float minAlpha; float maxAlpha; float _textureSize; vec4 color; };uniform qt3d_custom_uniforms _24;uniform highp sampler2D distanceFieldTexture;varying vec2 texCoord; varying float zValue;void main() { vec2 texelDeltaX = abs(dFdx(texCoord)); vec2 texelDeltaY = abs(dFdy(texCoord)); float avgTexelDelta = (_24._textureSize * 0.5) * (((texelDeltaX.x + texelDeltaX.y) + texelDeltaY.x) + texelDeltaY.y); float texScale = 1.0 / avgTexelDelta; float devScaleMin = 0.0; float devScaleMax = 0.1500000059604644775390625; float scaled = (clamp(texScale, devScaleMin, devScaleMax) - devScaleMin) / (devScaleMax - devScaleMin); float base = 0.5; float threshold = base * scaled; float range = 0.0599999986588954925537109375 / texScale; float minAlpha = threshold - range; float maxAlpha = threshold + range; float distVal = texture2D(distanceFieldTexture, texCoord).x; gl_FragData[0] = vec4(, _24.color.w * smoothstep(minAlpha, maxAlpha, distVal)); gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z - (zValue * 9.9999999747524270787835121154785e-07); } Qt3D.Renderer.RHI.Backend: Failed to build graphics pipeline: Creation Failed
My GPU is a Nvidia 4070 (Driver Version: 555.58.02) on Wayland.