I'm trying out the pyside6-designer and am blocked by the fact that enum properties are not supported in custom widgets.
To be more precise, having taken your TicTacToe example, I've modified it to have an additional property:
class TicTacToe(QWidget): def __init__(self, ...): ... self._prop1 = Qt.AlignRight @Property(Qt.AlignmentFlag) def prop1(self): return self._prop1 @prop1.setter def prop1(self, new_val): self._prop1 = new_val
Opening the Qt designer prints the following error:
The property "prop1" of type (unknown) is not supported yet!
I know that PyQt6 is having similar support issues (it used to be supported in PyQt5, but something has fundamentally changed in Qt6 that prevents them from working properly with the dynamism of Python).
Would you have an estimate when the support for them could be implemented?
Issue Links
- relates to
PYSIDE-1930 REG ->6.2.4: Cannot return Qt.CheckState enum values from QAbstractItemModel::flags()
- Closed
PYSIDE-2339 Enums returned from QAIM::data() get casted to ints for StyledItemDelegate.displayText()
- Closed