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  1. Qt for Python
  2. PYSIDE-2884

Callable type hints are not compliant with the Python typing specification



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • 6.8.1
    • 6.7
    • Type hints
    • None
    • 7ee3fb795 (dev), c1498fe58 (6.8)



      There are many function arguments in the PySide6 type stubs which are simply typed as Callable without any type arguments. One example of this is the singleShot timer method:

      class QTimer(PySide6.QtCore.QObject):
          def singleShot(msec: int, functor: Callable) -> None: ...

      Although I suspect this means the functor argument accepts any callable, strict type checkers will mark this as a partially unknown type since the typing specification states that type hint arguments are always required:

      Annotating callable objects

      The subscription syntax must always be used with exactly two values: the argument list and the return type. The argument list must be a list of types, a ParamSpec, Concatenate, or an ellipsis. The return type must be a single type.

      If a literal ellipsis ... is given as the argument list, it indicates that a callable with any arbitrary parameter list would be acceptable:

      def concat(x: str, y: str) -> str:
          return x + y
      x: Callable[..., str]
      x = str     # OK
      x = concat  # Also OK

      Source: typing - Support for type hints


      The impact of this typing error is relatively low as unknown argument types for library methods rarely have cascading effects. Nevertheless, it does result in the following error when using Pylance in strict mode and should not be difficult to fix:

      Type of "singleShot" is partially unknown Pylance(reportUnknownMemberType)

      Proposed Solution:

      Assuming all Callable type hints without arguments refer to cases where any callable object is acceptable, they should simply be replaced with the following:

      from typing import Any, Callable
      def example(functor: Callable) -> ... # Before
      def example(functor: Callable[..., Any]) -> ... # After

      Alternatively, if the Callable type hints are intended to represent a callable that takes no arguments and returns anything, the following change would be appropriate:

      from typing import Any, Callable
      def example(functor: Callable) -> ... # Before
      def example(functor: Callable[[], Any]) -> ... # After



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            bflecker Bryton Flecker
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