For staticLibraries you expect 2 possible inputs: library name or absolute path.
for (i in staticLibraries) { if (FileInfo.isAbsolutePath(staticLibraries[i])) { args.push(staticLibraries[i]); } else { args.push('-l' + staticLibraries[i]); }
But it is not real world cases. When you configure project to be used by different people you use relative pathes.
For me it is something like:
cpp.staticLibraries: [ "../libs/Some3rdParty/lib/somelib.a", "../libs/AnotherExternal/lib/anotherlib.lib" ]
or even more handy to use cpp.libraryPaths and then just list libraries.
So my suggestion is next: not use absolute path dependency, better to verify is static library contain library suffix, e.g. contains '.a' or '.lib'.