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  1. Qbs ("Cubes")
  2. QBS-75

Multiple properties blocks interfere with each other



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • 0.2
    • 0.1
    • None
    • qbs from git head=85a752b05203efa7f997bdf7dc07f8bdb7d896b9, Qt 4.7.4, compiling with msvc 2010 on Win 7.


      Attached are 2 qbp files. Neither one compiles. It looks like qbs has trouble with more than one Properties block that define similar properties, even when all but one have a condition that is false. As far as I can see there shouldn't be a problem with this setup, since you're allowed multiple Groups, Depends, etc.

      In Prop1.qbp, a Properties with condition:false manages to cause a prior cpp.defines property to fail to evaluate - comment out the Properties at line 15 and everything works fine and defines the expected macros.

      D:\workitems\qbs-bugs>qbs -f Prop1.qbp
      D:\workitems\qbs-bugs\Prop1.qbp:7 Error: Undefined property 'base'

      Prop2.qbp is similar but with line 7 removed - which allows qbs to get further, but manages to remove everything from "cpp.defines" (including built-ins like UNICODE).

      D:\workitems\qbs-bugs>qbs -f Prop2.qbp
      Found project file D:\workitems\qbs-bugs\Prop2.qbp
      loading project took:  93 ms
      build graph took:  31 ms
      for debug:
        - [hpp, application] Prop2 as debug
      Scanning for file dependencies...
      compiling main.cpp
      C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/bin/cl.exe/nologo /c /Zm200 /Zc:wchar_t- /EHsc /Zi /MDd /FoD:\wor
      kitems\qbs-bugs\build\debug\.obj\Prop2\main.obj D:\workitems\qbs-bugs\main.cpp
      D:\workitems\qbs-bugs\main.cpp(2) : fatal error C1189: #error :  "Missing ConditionalMacros!"
      ERROR: Process failed with exit code 2.
      ERROR: The following products could not be built: Prop2.
      Build failed.

      The macros missing from the cl.exe invocation above are: /DUNICODE /DWIN32 /DConditionalMacros
      (I would have expected Prop2 to fail to compile because I had to remove the definition of UnconditionalMacros in order for the compile to get that far, but it's failing before that becomes a problem)


        1. PropertiesProblems.zip
          0.9 kB
          Tom Sutcliffe
        For Gerrit Dashboard: QBS-75
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



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            tomsci Tom Sutcliffe
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