Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Not Evaluated
QDS 4.1
macOS 13.3.1 (a), Apple M1; Qt Design Studio 4.1.0, Sketch Version 95.3 (160769) or 96.3 (167315); Qt Bridge for Sketch [Version 2.1.0 Build: 1904211330] or [Version 4.1.0 Build 2205231004]
QDS Berlin - 2023 Week 25/26
See the attached project - it is a very minimal one which only has an empty Artboard.
When saved to my Desktop, exporting fails with the following message:
Exporting Document: Test Error: Can not create export directory. Error: Export failed.
- Manually creating the export directory in Finder has no effect
- The project was created by stripping down a customer's real project
- If I copy the Artboard and paste it into another *.sketch file that's stored in the same directory (my Desktop), it exports just fine