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  1. Qt Design Studio
  2. QDS-11973

Emulation layer crash when adding components to 2D view with effect applied



    • 1
    • 9d6d52164 (qds/dev), 824486dc3 (qds/4.4)
    • QDS Oulu - 2024 Week 7/8


      Found issue:

      Qml emulation layer crash seems to happen when trying to add components e.g. to root rectangle or view3D that has an effect applied. Notification about emulation layer crash does not always show up, and sometimes dropping works without issues.

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Create a 3D project
      2. Create new effect with Effect Composer and save it to Assets
      3. Drag and drop it to 2D view (in view3D)
      4. Try adding something from QtQuick Controls (button, check box) to 2D View
        1. -> dropping might succeed
        2. -> emulation layer crashed - warning might show up
        3. -> component is dropped but its selection box is shown in different place than the component itself
        4. -> dropping is not allowed at all
      5. Please see attached recording
      6. I was able to reproduce once with just general project and effect applied to root rectangle but more often when trying to add something into view3d with effect applied.


        1. image-2024-02-16-10-37-22-196.png
          302 kB
          Thomas Hartmann
        2. emulation_layer_crash.mp4
          5.46 MB
          Tanja Remes
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