Resolution: Fixed
P1: Critical
QDS 4.4
Support for on-target development
Currently Qt DS uses IP address of target set manually from the DS and IP.
We need to turn this around for better UX and to prevent breakage of service if host IP address changes (due to dynamic IP etc)
Requirements (and user stories to be created)
- When user deploys to host, give the IP address of the host and/or encode this to QR code
- DS has some AVAHI(or equivalent) daemon and listens to device connects
- AVAHI deamon can be started, stopped and restarted from the DS UI
- When client is connected, there is clear indication on DS of the state of connection
- Deployment to the device happens directly from the Play button, not using separate dialog
Current solution opens a port into the internet and exposes a security risk.
Issue Links
- mentioned in
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