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QDS 4.4
I think QDS should use "coding font" where similar glyphs in it are clearly distinguishable to avoid confusion, such as l and I.
Here, the first letter of the file name marked with red underline is hard to tell if it's small L or capital I. This is actually a capital I. (Please try to see if you can distinguish this capital I with the small L in the "element_casual.png" in the same image.)
This is an issue because qml file's names are also used as QML objects in QML documents.
When a user is optimizing the project just like I was by removing unnecessary QML files, one of the things he would do is to look up(grep) the file name in the qml files to see if it's used or not. I looked it up with small L and didn't find it, but with capital I, Ic_back_key existed in other qml document.
This confusion can lead to false deletion of qml files which leads to compilation error later and the user ends up going to the trash bin to get it back up in the project.
Just using a coding font for QDS solves this headache once for all.
*files are in snake case because they are exported by the figma file with bridge where the design was created by a designer, who's not familiar with the QML's naming convention.