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  1. Qt Design Studio
  2. QDS-13817

LivePreview should not re-open when the .qml file's root is Window



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • QDS 4.6.0
    • QML Live Preview
    • None
    • Windows


      When the QML file to be Live-Previewed has a Window QML type at the root(it may also reproduce with ApplicationWindow, which I haven't verified), every time a user edits the QML file, the LivePreview windows closes and re-opens. This could annoy the user. Please see the attached LivePreviewReOpensForWindow.mp4. Ideally, the content on the Window just changes without the window being closing and re-opening.

      One can create a custome QML component which encapsulates all the QML objects originally located under Window(such as "MainScreen.qml") just for LivePreviwing, but when a user is using QML types wihch expect Window or ApplicationWindow as a parent, they cannot rely on this workaround.
      For example, in the attached [^EMS.zip], you can see that App.qml uses Drawer, which requires Window as its parent to function properly.


        1. EMS-3.zip
          63 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        2. LivePreviewReOpensForWindow.mp4
          18.14 MB
          Mikio Hirai
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            thohartm Thomas Hartmann
            mikio_hirai Mikio Hirai
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