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  1. Qt Design Studio
  2. QDS-3258

Qt Enterprise Evaluation dialog disappears after ca. 15 seconds



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • QDS 2.0
    • QDS 2.0 Alpha (internal only)
    • None
    • Ubuntu 20.04


      Qt Enterprise Evaluation dialog that pops up right after starting Qt Design Studio disappears after 15 seconds no matter if a user interact with it or not (can happen while typing in user credentials).

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Run Qt Design Studio (user is not logged in to Qt Account)
      2. Wait ~ 15 seconds

      Expected behavior:

      1. The dialog window should either not popup at all or it should wait until user interacts with it

      Console output:


      $ ./qtdesignstudio  
      qtaccount.license: Reading Qt Account settings from disk: "/home/kw/.local/share/Qt/qtaccount.ini"
      qtaccount.license: Reading licenses from file: "/home/kw/.local/share/Qt/qtlicenses.ini"
      qtaccount.license: License added. License id [ 10641603 ] License schema [ "Supported Evaluation" ] Licensed products [ "Design Studio,3D Studio" ] Licensed platforms [ ("X11", 
      "Embedded Linux", "Windows", "Mac", "Embedded Windows", "Android", "QNX", "VxWorks", "INTEGRITY", "iOS", "WinRT", "Embedded Android") ] License expiry date [ QDate("2021-12-31")
      qtaccount.license: License added. License id [ 10641684 ] License schema [ "Supported Evaluation" ] Licensed products [ "Application Development,Enterprise" ] Licensed platforms
       [ ("X11", "Windows", "Mac", "Android", "iOS", "WinRT") ] License expiry date [ QDate("2021-12-31") ]
      qtaccount.license: Valid licenses found: 2
      Cannot update Qt version information: /home/kw/Qt/5.15.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake cannot be run.
      qtaccount.license: License added. License id [ 10641603 ] License schema [ "Supported Evaluation" ] Licensed products [ "Design Studio,3D Studio" ] Licensed platforms [ ("X11", 
      "Embedded Linux", "Windows", "Mac", "Embedded Windows", "Android", "QNX", "VxWorks", "INTEGRITY", "iOS", "WinRT", "Embedded Android") ] License expiry date [ QDate("2021-12-31")
      qtaccount.license: License added. License id [ 10641684 ] License schema [ "Supported Evaluation" ] Licensed products [ "Application Development,Enterprise" ] Licensed platforms
       [ ("X11", "Windows", "Mac", "Android", "iOS", "WinRT") ] License expiry date [ QDate("2021-12-31") ]
      qtaccount.license: Saving licenses to file: "/home/kwojcik/.local/share/Qt/qtlicenses.ini"

      Internal console output:


      Performing API discovery ...
      Boot2Qt: Starting QDB host server.
      Boot2Qt: Could not find QDB host server executable. You can set the location with environment variable BOOT2QT_QDB_FILEPATH.
      Boot2Qt: Device detection error: Could not connect to QDB host server even after trying to start it.
      Checking for license updates ...
      Checking for updated license succeeded (2 licenses fetched) 



        1. login-window.png
          59 kB
          Kama Wójcik
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            kawojcik Kama Wójcik
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