Resolution: Duplicate
Not Evaluated
QDS 1.1 Beta
Test steps:
1. Create a new project. There is a rectangle and text "Hello <project name>" on the Form editor.
2. Change the font of the sample text from Properties for example to Times new Roman
3. Run the project
-> The project does not run correctly and following errors are shown in application output:
15:43:29: Starting C:\Qt\qtdesignstudio-1.0.9\qt5_design_studio_reduced_version\bin\qmlscene.exe...
file:///C:/Users/Prove/Desktop/QtDesignStudioProjects/fontTest2/fontTest2.qml:8 Type Screen01 unavailable
file:///C:/Users/Prove/Desktop/QtDesignStudioProjects/fontTest2/Screen01.ui.qml:14 Property has already been assigned a value
15:43:30: C:/Qt/qtdesignstudio-1.0.9/qt5_design_studio_reduced_version/bin/qmlscene.exe exited with code -1
The project which was used to reproduce this is attached.