Resolution: Done
P3: Somewhat important
QDS 2.2 Beta1
QDS 2D - 2021 Week 35/36
MouseArea specifics check for the enabled property being available, but it isn't part of the list, only hoverEnabled is.
QtQuick.MouseArea { bannedProperties: ["propagateComposedEvents", "preventStealing", "cursorShape", "scrollGestureEnabled", "drag", "acceptedButtons", "hoverEnabled"] }
Text contains the property styleColor twice.
QtQuick.Text { allowChildren: false allowedProperties: ["rotation", "scale", "transformOrigin"] bannedProperties: ["elide", "lineHeight", "lineHeightMode", "wrapMode", "style", "styleColor", "minimumPointSize", "minimumPixelSize", "styleColor", "fontSizeMode", "renderType", "textFormat", "maximumLineCount"] }
Item contains border and gradient which aren't properties of Item, but Rectangle.
QtQuick.Item { bannedProperties: ["layer", "opacity", "gradient", "smooth", "antialiasing", "border", "baselineOffset", "focus", "activeFocusOnTab", "rotation", "scale", "transformOrigin"] }
QtQuick.Row and QtQuick.Column are actually RowLayout and ColumnLayout. It might be better to rename them because QML also has Column and Row types. And also the same for QtQuick.Grid. Why does GridLayout isn't listed with banned properties? Because it is completely blocked from usage with MCU? Then this should be renamed as well.