
    • Technical task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • None
    • QDS Berlin - 2023 Week 27/28, QDS Berlin - 2023 Week 29/30, QDS Berlin - 2023 Week 33/34, QDS Berlin - 2023 Week 35/36, QDS Berlin - 2023 Week 37/38
    • d4a58382b (qds-4.3)




      Compiler output (qmlsc from Qt 6.5.0)

      [43/574 35.5/sec] Generating .rcc/qmlcache/QuickStudioComponents_ArcItem_qml.cpp
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:281:31: Could not compile binding for alpha: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
          property real alpha: root.clamp(root.sortedEnd() - root.sortedBegin(), 0, 359.9)
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:316:5: Could not compile function clamp: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function clamp(num, min, max) {
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:320:5: Could not compile function toRadians: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function toRadians(degrees) {
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:324:5: Could not compile function myCos: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function myCos(angleInDegrees) {
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:328:5: Could not compile function mySin: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function mySin(angleInDegrees) {
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:332:5: Could not compile function polarToCartesianX: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function polarToCartesianX(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) {
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:336:5: Could not compile function polarToCartesianY: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function polarToCartesianY(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) {
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:341:21: Could not compile function sortedBegin: function without type annotation returns double of double [compiler]
              return Math.min(root.begin, root.end)
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:345:21: Could not compile function sortedEnd: function without type annotation returns double of double [compiler]
              return Math.min(Math.max(root.begin, root.end), root.sortedBegin() + 359.9)
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:349:21: Could not compile function isArcFull: function without type annotation returns bool of bool [compiler]
              return root.alpha > 359.5
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:382:22: Could not compile binding for startX: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
              startX: root.polarToCartesianX(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__xRadius, root.sortedBegin() - 90)
      Warning: ArcItem.qml:383:22: Could not compile binding for startY: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
              startY: root.polarToCartesianY(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__yRadius, root.sortedBegin() - 90)
      [44/574 35.1/sec] Generating .rcc/qmlcache/QuickStudioComponents_PieItem_qml.cpp
      Warning: PieItem.qml:245:31: Could not compile binding for alpha: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
          property real alpha: root.clamp(root.end - root.begin, 0, 359.9)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:251:5: Could not compile function clamp: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function clamp(num, min, max) {
      Warning: PieItem.qml:266:5: Could not compile function toRadians: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function toRadians(degrees) {
      Warning: PieItem.qml:270:5: Could not compile function polarToCartesianX: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function polarToCartesianX(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) {
      Warning: PieItem.qml:274:5: Could not compile function polarToCartesianY: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function polarToCartesianY(centerX, centerY, radius, angleInDegrees) {
      Warning: PieItem.qml:292:38: Could not compile binding for startX: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
              startX: root.hideLine ? root.polarToCartesianX(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__xRadius, root.begin - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:294:38: Could not compile binding for startY: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
              startY: root.hideLine ? root.polarToCartesianY(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__yRadius, root.begin - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:298:21: Could not compile binding for x: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
                  x: root.polarToCartesianX(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__xRadius, root.begin - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:299:21: Could not compile binding for y: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
                  y: root.polarToCartesianY(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__yRadius, root.begin - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:305:21: Could not compile binding for x: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
                  x: root.polarToCartesianX(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__xRadius, root.begin + root.alpha - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:306:21: Could not compile binding for y: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
                  y: root.polarToCartesianY(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter,  path.__yRadius, root.begin + root.alpha - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:315:37: Could not compile binding for x: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
                  x: root.hideLine ? root.polarToCartesianX(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter, path.__xRadius, root.begin + root.alpha - 90)
      Warning: PieItem.qml:317:37: Could not compile binding for y: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
                  y: root.hideLine ? root.polarToCartesianY(path.__xCenter, path.__yCenter,  path.__yRadius, root.begin + root.alpha - 90)
      [49/574 33.8/sec] Generating .rcc/qmlcache/QuickStudioComponents_SvgPathItem_qml.cpp
      Warning: RegularPolygonItem.qml:202:59: Could not compile binding for maxRadius: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
          property int maxRadius: root.__radius * Math.cos(root.toRadians(180.0 / root.sideCount))
      Warning: RegularPolygonItem.qml:215:5: Could not compile function toRadians: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function toRadians(degrees) {
      Warning: RegularPolygonItem.qml:252:62: Could not compile binding for __distanceToCornerArcCenter: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
      [55/574 31.9/sec] Generating .rcc/qmlcache/QuickStudioComponents_TriangleItem_qml.cpp
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:390:5: Could not compile function length: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function length(x, y) {
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:394:5: Could not compile function normalize: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function normalize(x, y) {
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:403:5: Could not compile function dotProduct: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function dotProduct(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:407:5: Could not compile function project: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function project(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:418:5: Could not compile function intersect: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function intersect(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4) {
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:429:5: Could not compile function moveLine: Functions without type annotations won't be compiled [compiler]
          function moveLine(startX, startY, endX, endY) {
      Warning: TriangleItem.qml:443:26: Could not compile function calc: Cannot generate efficient code for call to untyped JavaScript function [compiler]
              var movedLine1 = moveLine(path.__width / 2, 0, 0, path.__height)


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