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  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-4

Qt SR Unit test documentation refers to non-existing functions



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • QSR 1.0
    • QSR 1.0
    • Other
    • None


      Qt Safe Renderer Unit test documentation in tests/tst_qtsaferenderer.cpp contains some references to functions that are not found. You can easily test if the function is found or not by adding SafeRenderer:: before the <classname>::<functionaname>. For example:


      --> when the documentation is built, a link to the API documentation is automatically created if it exists. Of course, if the function is not public then the link will not be created (as only public functions are documented). However, for me it seems that the following test documentation sections contain references to functions that do not really exist:

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderGetBitmapForItem.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderGetBitmapForItem()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderGetBitmapForItem()

      Basic test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::getBitmapForItem works

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeOK.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeOK()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeOK()

      Basic test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::readLayoutSize works

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeTooWide.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeTooWide()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeTooWide()

      Test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::readLayoutSize throws QSafeLayoutFileReader::LayoutFileReaderException::SizeErrorWidth exception when the layout size is too wide.

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeTooHigh.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeTooHigh()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeTooHigh()

      Test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::readLayoutSize throws QSafeLayoutFileReader::LayoutFileReaderException::SizeErrorHeight exception when the layout size is too high.

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeMax.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeMax()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderReadLayoutSizeMax()

      Test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::readLayoutSize does not throw an exception when the layout size is set to max.

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderHeight0Fail.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderHeight0Fail()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderHeight0Fail()

      Test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::readHeight inside the constructor throws correct exception when given 0 height layout.

      \page testSafeLayoutReaderWidth0Fail.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderWidth0Fail()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeLayoutReaderWidth0Fail()

      Test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::readLayoutSize inside constructor throws correct exception when given 0 width layout.

      \page testSafeBitmapReaderOK.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeBitmapReaderOK()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeBitmapReaderOK()

      Basic test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::loadBitmapFile works as expected.

      \page testSafeBitmapReaderDuplicateOk.html
      \ingroup qtsr-unit-tests
      \brief Unit test case of QSafeRenderer::testSafeBitmapReaderDuplicateOk()
      \title tst_QSafeRenderer::testSafeBitmapReaderDuplicateOk()

      Basic test that QSafeLayoutFileReader::loadBitmapFile works as expected with duplicate bitmap.


        For Gerrit Dashboard: QSR-4
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            teemu.holappa Teemu Holappa
            tarjasundqvist Tarja Sundqvist
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