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  1. Qt Safe Renderer
  2. QSR-949

Running Qt Cluster in host is missing in the safety manual



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • P2: Important
    • QSR 1.2
    • QSR 1.2
    • Demo, Documentation
    • None
    • Windows
    • Ie5c5dcb4bbbab0dbf7dc5d0e755a5bde6d60802a


      The safety manual page https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qtsaferenderer/qtsaferenderer-examples.html says that it is possible to run the Qt Cluster in the host environment.

      There is no dedicated page for that, only for running the Qt Cluster example in the target hardware.

      If the Qt Cluster Example is run as such, the FPS rate is poor (about 10 FPS) since it tries to connect to the telltales process showing the safety-critical UI via socket. 

      There is no information mentioned that the telltales must be running. When it is running, then the FPS rate is as expected (60 FPS).

      It also fails to mention the opportunity to change the IP address and port via environment variable setting for the project run-time configuration. (and that setting does not work at the moment, see QSR-948)

      The telltales example is rather static since the safe QML objects do not receive any events automatically as they do in the QNX demo video.

      Maybe it should be mentioned that that is how it was designed, or it should behave in a similar way in the host environment. See bug QSR-950 and check which is the preferred approach and document it accordingly.





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            tarjasundqvist Tarja Sundqvist
            assaarel Asmo Saarela (Inactive)
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