Uploaded image for project: 'Qt 3D Studio'
  1. Qt 3D Studio
  2. QT3DS-2668

Upload breakpad debug symbols to sentry.io



    • Task
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • Qt 3D Studio 2.4 BETA1
    • Infrastructure
    • None


      When a new Qt3DStudio build is created, the debug symbols should be uploaded to sentry.io so that error reports show correct call stacks. Also When a new Qt version is released, its debug symbols should be uploaded as well.

      for each debug symbols file. The following 2 commands need to be run to convert it to breakpad symbols format and upload it to the sentry.io server:
      1. dump_syms file1.pdb > file1.sym
      2. sentry-cli upload-dif -t breakpad file1.sym

      (the dumb_syms and sentry-cli executables to be provided).

      This is the list of debug symbol files to be uploaded when a new Qt3DStudio build happens:

      • Qt3DStudion/bin/Qt3DStudio.pdb
      • Qt3DStudion/lib/qt3dsruntime.pdb
      • Qt3DStudion/lib/qt3dsqmlstreamer.pdb
      • Qt3DStudion/lib/Qt5Studio3D.pdb

      and this is the list of debug symbol files to be uploaded when the Qt used change:
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Core.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Gui.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Widgets.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Qml.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Network.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Quick.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5QuickWidgets.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5QuickControls2.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5QuickTemplates2.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Svg.pdb
      [Qt path]/bin/Qt5Xml.pdb
      [Qt path]/qml/QtQuick/Templates.2/qtquicktemplates2plugin.pdb
      [Qt path]/qml/QtQuick/Controls.2/qtquickcontrols2plugin.pdb
      [Qt path]/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/qquicklayoutsplugin.pdb
      [Qt path]/qml/QtQuick/Dialogs/dialogplugin.pdb
      [Qt path]/qml/QtQuick/Window.2/windowplugin.pdb
      [Qt path]/qml/QtQuick.2/qtquick2plugin.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/platforms/qwindows.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qgif.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qico.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qicns.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qjpeg.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qsvg.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qtga.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qtiff.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qwbmp.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/imageformats/qwebp.pdb
      [Qt path]/plugins/styles/qwindowsvistastyle.pdb

      It is to be discussed if this should be done manually or be automated as part of the build system.

      For reference attached is a windows bat script that does the conversion and uploading of all needed files.

      ps: for mac and linux it works similarly but need to check docs: https://docs.sentry.io/cli/dif/


        1. sentry.bat
          2 kB
          Mahmoud Badri
        2. screenshot-1.png
          31 kB
          Tor Arne Vestbø

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