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  1. Qt 3D Studio
  2. QT3DS-3880

Refreshing import to a different mesh breaks the existing instance



    • c66b4928e382121e62a2b9a94d7df57f2d15f65f


      Steps to repro:

      1 - Create new project

      2 - Import TorusKnot-1 from model library

      3 - Drag TorusKnot-1.import to the scene

      4 - Refresh TorusKnot-1.import to RoundedCube-1.dae

      --> Cube shows up on the scene, but running preview viewer doesn't show the cube, and if you save and reload the presentation, cube no longer shows. Changing cube's material to animatable makes cube visible again. Dragging .import to scene to create another instance of the cube works and also fixes the other copies of the same import in the scene (sometimes, but not always).

      Another case that breaks when after changing to differently named mesh is changing to a variation of the new mesh (e.g. RoundedCube-1 to RoundedCube-5) after that will not update the mesh on the scene, but if you preview or save and reload, the mesh is updated. E.g. add these extra steps to above steps:

      5 - Drag another copy TorusKnow-1.import to scene (now actually RoundedCube-1 mesh)

      6 - Refresh TorusKnot-1.import to RoundedCube-5.dae

      --> Meshes are not updated on editor, but if you launch preview or save and reload, meshed are updated.



        For Gerrit Dashboard: QT3DS-3880
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



            e0348803 Miikka Heikkinen
            e0348803 Miikka Heikkinen
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