Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
Team One Foundation Sprint 52, Team A Foundation Sprint 53
Assuming the following:
- In QAbstractItemModel, only one change is allowed to be in flight at a time, i.e. rowsAboutToBeInserted/rowsInserted must not nest or overlap.
- In one rowsAboutToBeInserted/rowsInserted change, only rows with a common parent can be inserted.
- When changing filters in QSortFilterProxyModel, rows on multiple levels, with different parents, are inserted at once.
If all of these three are correct, I cannot see how changing the filters can be correctly implemented in QSortFilterProxyModel.
This item is about the following:
- Check that the three assumptions above are correct. Make sure that the documentation clearly states whether these assumptions are correct.
- Extend QAbstractItemModelTester to check consistency in number of rows/cols. I.e. rows are only added between rowsAboutToBeInserted and rowsInserted.
- Apply QAbstractItemModelTester in all tests of QSortFilterProxyModel
- Extend this to QFileSystemModel
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-93301 QItemSelectionModel does not emit selectionChanged when selection is changed through QStandardItem::setFlags
- In Progress