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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-100996

WebEngine crashes in Accessibility



    • Linux/X11, Windows
    • 1bdb43a4da (qt/qtwebengine/dev) 2582b10342 (qt/qtwebengine/6.3) 2582b10342 (qt/qtwebengine/6.3.0)


      When unloading the WebEngineView (please click the "Activate Browser" checkbox), the application crashes. Please accept the Google Terms, otherwise no accessibility related controls will be instantiated. I don't think this was a problem with 6.3 Beta1.


      1  QAccessibleCache::deleteInterface                                           qaccessiblecache.cpp           209  0x7ff88b6be43a 
      2  QAccessibleCache::objectDestroyed                                           qaccessiblecache.cpp           191  0x7ff88b6bf55f 
      3  doActivate<0>                                                               qobject.cpp                    3918 0x7ff8885de810 
      4  QObject::~QObject                                                           qobject.cpp                    1009 0x7ff8885df970 
      5  QObject::`scalar deleting destructor'                                       Qt6WebEngineCore_7ff811890000       0x7ff811aa7a85 
      6  QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren                                              qobject.cpp                    2121 0x7ff8885e3fd1 
      7  QObject::~QObject                                                           qobject.cpp                    1106 0x7ff8885dfe60 
      8  QObject::`scalar deleting destructor'                                       Qt6WebEngineCore_7ff811890000       0x7ff811aa7a85 
      9  QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren                                              qobject.cpp                    2121 0x7ff8885e3fd1 
      10 QObject::~QObject                                                           qobject.cpp                    1106 0x7ff8885dfe60 
      11 QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<QQuickWebEngineView>::`scalar deleting destructor' Qt6WebEngineQuick                   0x7ff8a8fff502 
      12 QObject::event                                                              qobject.cpp                    1382 0x7ff8885e6ed3 
      13 QQuickItem::event                                                           qquickitem.cpp                 8711 0x7ff88bafeb65 
      14 QCoreApplication::notify                                                    qcoreapplication.cpp           1147 0x7ff8885a3427 
      15 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2                                           qcoreapplication.cpp           1067 0x7ff8885a34f5 
      16 QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents                                   qcoreapplication.cpp           1847 0x7ff8885a5d5f 
      17 QWindowsGuiEventDispatcher::sendPostedEvents                                qwindowsguieventdispatcher.cpp 80   0x7ff88b69167f 
      18 QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents                                        qeventdispatcher_win.cpp       476  0x7ff8886ffcf0 
      19 QWindowsGuiEventDispatcher::processEvents                                   qwindowsguieventdispatcher.cpp 73   0x7ff88b691659 
      20 QEventLoop::exec                                                            qeventloop.cpp                 218  0x7ff8885a8c0f 
      21 QCoreApplication::exec                                                      qcoreapplication.cpp           1388 0x7ff8885a130d 
      22 qtquickwebviewtest                                                                                              0x7ff724f919b7 
      23 qtquickwebviewtest                                                                                              0x7ff724f91ee0 
      24 BaseThreadInitThunk                                                         KERNEL32                            0x7ff8e5ab7034 
      25 RtlUserThreadStart                                                          ntdll                               0x7ff8e72c2651 

      When running with a Qt Debug Build, this ASSERT triggers on loading:

      Program: C:\Qt\6.3.0\msvc2019_64\bin\Qt6Cored.dll
      Module: 6.3.0
      File: \Users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\src\gui\accessible\qaccessiblecache.cpp
      Line: 149
      ASSERT failure in : "Accessible interface inserted into cache twice!", file \Users\qt\work\qt\qtbase\src\gui\accessible\qaccessiblecache.cpp, line 149

      Example Code:

      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Window
      import QtQuick.Layouts
      import QtQuick.Controls
      import QtWebEngine
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          ColumnLayout {
              anchors.fill: parent
              TextField {
                  id: urlEdit
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  Layout.margins: 4
                  onAccepted: webView.url = text
              CheckBox {
                  id: activateCheckBox
                  text: "Activate Browser"
                  checked: true
              Loader {
                  Layout.fillHeight: true
                  Layout.fillWidth: true
                  active: activateCheckBox.checked
                  sourceComponent: WebEngineView {
                      id: webView
                      url: "https://www.google.com"
                      onUrlChanged: {
                          console.log("URL", url);
                          urlEdit.text = url;


        Issue Links

          For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-100996
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



              qt_webengine_team Qt WebEngine Team
              njeisecke Nils Jeisecke
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              3 Start watching this issue



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