Resolution: Done
P1: Critical
6.4.0 Beta1
Presumably crashed thread snippet:
agent:2022/04/28 14:22:53 build.go:394: 410: PASS : tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetFromHttpWithAuth(basic-bad-password-in-url) agent:2022/04/28 14:22:53 build.go:394: 410: agent:2022/04/28 14:22:53 build.go:394: 410: === Received signal at function time: 175ms, total time: 14391ms, dumping stack === ... ... agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: Thread 1 (Thread 0x7fcbee1187c0 (LWP 5604) "tst_qnetworkrep"): agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #0 0x00007fcbebdcd569 in syscall () from /lib64/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #1 0x00007fcbed0523bd in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #2 0x00007fcbed057328 in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #3 0x00007fcbed056e68 in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #4 0x00007fcbed056a7f in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #5 0x00007fcbed05638e in QSemaphore::acquire(int) () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #6 0x00007fcbece7b83b in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #7 0x00007fcbece73119 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #8 0x00007fcbed91504b in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #9 0x00007fcbed90e1f7 in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #10 0x00007fcbed91271f in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #11 0x00007fcbed90a17a in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #12 0x00007fcbed80c17e in QNetworkAccessManager::createRequest(QNetworkAccessManager::Operation, QNetworkRequest const&, QIODevice*) () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #13 0x00007fcbed80ae4e in QNetworkAccessManager::get(QNetworkRequest const&) () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #14 0x0000000000439923 in tst_QNetworkReply::ioGetFromHttpWithAuth (this=0x7fff92ded3d0) at /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp:3632 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: authspy = { = {}, >> = { >> = { >> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, sig = {d = {d = 0x11354b0, ptr = 0x11354c0 "authenticationRequired(QNetworkReply*,QAuthenticator*)", size = 54}, static _empty = 0 '\000'}, args = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x111e7d0, ptr = 0x111e7e0, size = 2}}, m_loop = , m_waiting = false} agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: replySync = {value = 0x7fff92dec6b0, d = 0x7fcbedc8f3a3} agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: url = {d = 0x1134490} agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: expectedData = {d = {d = 0x10c2180, ptr = 0x10c2190 "digest authentication successful\n", size = 33}, static _empty = 0 '\000'} agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: expectedAuth = 1 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: request = {d = {d = 0x111e8b0}} agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #15 0x0000000000485543 in tst_QNetworkReply::qt_static_metacall (_o=0x7fff92ded3d0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=83, _a=0x7fff92dec400) at tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/test/tst_qnetworkreply_autogen/include/tst_qnetworkreply.moc:1114 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: _t = 0x7fff92ded3d0 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #16 0x00007fcbece0b9a6 in QMetaMethod::invoke(QObject*, Qt::ConnectionType, QGenericReturnArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument, QGenericArgument) const () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #17 0x00007fcbedca9356 in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #18 0x00007fcbedca10cb in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #19 0x00007fcbedca1e1c in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #20 0x00007fcbedca3273 in ?? () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #21 0x00007fcbedca3b2d in QTest::qRun() () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #22 0x00007fcbedca3593 in QTest::qExec(QObject*, int, char**) () from /home/qt/work/install/lib/ agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: No symbol table info available. agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: #23 0x0000000000484e5d in main (argc=5, argv=0x7fff92ded5e8) at /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply.cpp:9911 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: app = agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: tc = { = {}, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = {direct = 0x7fcbed7200c0 }, stringdata = 0x4e7260 , data = 0x4e9340 , static_metacall = 0x484eb8 , relatedMetaObjects = 0x0, metaTypes = 0x726980 <_Z27qt_incomplete_metaTypeArrayI38qt_meta_stringdata_tst_QNetworkReply_tJN9QtPrivate20TypeAndForceCompleteI17tst_QNetworkReplySt17integral_constantIbLb1EEEENS2_IvS4_IbLb0EEEES8_S8_NS2_IP13QNetworkReplyS7_EENS2_IP14QAuthenticatorS7_EES8_NS2_IRK13QNetworkProxyS7_EESE_S8_S8_S8_SB_NS2_IRK5QListI9QSslErrorES7_EES8_S8_SB_SO_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_S8_EE>, extradata = 0x0}}, static seedCreated = true, static httpEmpty200Response = {d = {d = 0x10b7880, ptr = 0x10b7890 "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n\r\n", size = 38}, static _empty = 0 '\000'}, static filePermissionFileName = {d = {d = 0x10b78c0, ptr = 0x10b78d0 u"/etc/shadow", size = 11}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, loop = 0x0, returnCode = 1, testFileName = {d = {d = 0x10f8740, ptr = 0x10f8750 u"/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/testfile51758742-5604-4103733138", size = 113}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, echoProcessDir = {d = {d = 0x10f9af0, ptr = 0x10f9b00 u"/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/echo", size = 85}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, wronlyFileName = {d = {d = 0x10bfc00, ptr = 0x10bfc10 u"/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/write-only51758742-5604-4103733138", size = 98}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, uniqueExtension = {d = {d = 0x1133e20, ptr = 0x1133e30 u"51759991-5604-2018825184", size = 24}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, proxies = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x10f1910, ptr = 0x10f1920, size = 5}}, manager = , cookieJar = 0x10ee160, storedSslConfiguration = {static ALPNProtocolHTTP2 = 0x7fcbed9b3750 "h2", static NextProtocolHttp1_1 = , d = {d = 0x10bf8b0}}, storedExpectedSslErrors = {> = {> = {}, }, d = {d = 0x0, ptr = 0x0, size = 0}}, static certsFilePath = {d = {d = 0x10b78f0, ptr = 0x10b7900 u"/certs/qt-test-server-cacert.pem", size = 32}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, isSecureTransport = false, isSchannel = false, testDataDir = {d = {d = 0x10fad10, ptr = 0x10fad20 u"/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply", size = 63}, static _empty = 0 u'\000'}, notEnoughDataForFastSender = true, ftpSupported = false, flukeCertTlsError = QSslError::SelfSignedCertificate} agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: Detaching from program: /home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/network/access/qnetworkreply/tst_qnetworkreply, process 5604 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: [Inferior 1 (process 5604) detached] agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: === End of stack trace === agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: INFO: Test process exited with code: -11 agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: ERROR: Failed to parse the XML log file: /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qnetworkreply-1651155758719.xml agent:2022/04/28 14:22:54 build.go:394: 410: ERROR: File Contents:
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-101681 tst_QPointer::threadSafety() is flaky (probably race condition)
- Closed