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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-104774

macOS: [Enter] key in TextField generates Qt.Key_Return instead of Qt.KeyEnter



    • macOS
    • 6767ac20c9 (qt/qtbase/dev) 6767ac20c9 (qt/tqtc-qtbase/dev) d7c33f16d9 (qt/tqtc-qtbase/6.2) 1311870125 (qt/qtbase/6.4) 1311870125 (qt/tqtc-qtbase/6.4) ab6721947c (qt/qtbase/6.3) ab6721947c (qt/tqtc-qtbase/6.3)



      import QtQuick 2.15
      import QtQuick.Window 2.15
      import QtQuick.Controls 2.15
      ApplicationWindow {
          id: root
          width: 200
          height: 150
          visible: true
          Column {
              anchors.fill: parent
              Frame {
                  focus: true
                  Keys.onPressed: (event) => {
                      console.log( "[Frame.Keys.onPressed]", "Key: 0x"+event.key.toString(16), "Modifiers: 0x"+event.modifiers.toString(16) )
                      event.accepted = true;
              TextField {
                  placeholderText: "Click here to focus"
                  Keys.onPressed: (event) => {
                      console.log( "[TextField.Keys.onPressed]", "Key: 0x"+event.key.toString(16), "Modifiers: 0x"+event.modifiers.toString(16) )
          Component.onCompleted: {
              console.log( "The value of Qt.Key_Return     is 0x" + Number(Qt.Key_Return).toString(16) );
              console.log( "The value of Qt.Key_Enter      is 0x" + Number(Qt.Key_Enter).toString(16) );
              console.log( "The value of Qt.KeypadModifier is 0x" + Number(Qt.KeypadModifier).toString(16) );


      Steps to reproduce

      1. Run the code above. It will automatically force active focus on the Frame.
      2. Press [Return] (on the main keyboard)
      3. Press [Enter] (on the keypad)
      4. Press [Fn]+[Return]
      5. Click on the TextField to move active focus to the TextField.
      6. Repeat steps #2-#4 while the TextField has active focus.

      Note: For Step #4, [Fn]+[Return] is supposed to produce [Enter], according to https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/47565/return-vs-enter



      qml: The value of Qt.Key_Return     is 0x1000004
      qml: The value of Qt.Key_Enter      is 0x1000005
      qml: The value of Qt.KeypadModifier is 0x20000000


      The value of event.key matches the pressed key when the Frame had active focus. However, when the TextField had active focus, event.key has the wrong value on macOS:


        QML output on Windows (all correct) QML output on macOS (TextField wrong)
      Step #2 on Frame [Frame.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000004 Modifiers: 0x0 [Frame.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000004 Modifiers: 0x0
      Step #3 on Frame [Frame.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000005 Modifiers: 0x20000000 [Frame.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000005 Modifiers: 0x20000000
      Step #4 on Frame (N/A) [Frame.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000005 Modifiers: 0x20000000
      Step #2 on TextField [TextField.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000004 Modifiers: 0x0 [TextField.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000004 Modifiers: 0x0
      Step #3 on TextField [TextField.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000005 Modifiers: 0x20000000 [TextField.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000004 Modifiers: 0x20000000
      Step #4 on TextField (N/A) [TextField.Keys.onPressed] Key: 0x1000004 Modifiers: 0x20000000


        For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-104774
        # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



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