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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-106268

HW Simulation Digital Twin Demo



    • User Story
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Not Evaluated
    • 6.5
    • None
    • Device Creation
    • None


      What is the benefit? Why is this valuable?

      Focus on the UI application developer side and not the HW developer side
      Provide simulation layers to UI application developer -> can reuse much of the existing Qt offering with QDS, QML, Creator and Wasm to show designs in browsers
      Target is to allow developing UI software without the actual hardware and expedite the product development cycle

      What are common use cases?

      Today: get HW and start developing SW
      With Qt Digital Twin: Develop software first and test actual HW when available
      Initial demo focus on simulating Bluetooth API
      Other HW related APIs to be added: networking, sensors, serial API, industrial APIs (MQTT, KNX, etc), CAN

      Technical information

      In general the digital twin concept has been around for some years, with considerable hype. Qt woudl also have many components that can be integrated to provide a digital twin concept for produc tdevelopment, to offer one more cloud-based service to the developers of embedded products.
      Digital twin consists of:
      ›Connectionsbetweenthetwo products
      DIgital twins divided into types
      ›Consists of the designs, analyses, and processes to realize a physical product. 
      ›Exists before there is a physical product
      ›The DTI is the digital twin of each individual instance of the product once it is manufactured. 
      ›The DTA is theaggregation of DTIs whose data and informationcanbeused for interrogationaboutthephysicalproduct, prognostics, and learning.
      ›Thespecificinformationcontained in thedigitaltwins is drivenbyusecases.
      ›Thedigitaltwin is a logicalconstruct
      › Meaningthattheactual data and informationmaybecontained in otherapplications.
      ›The connections between the physical product and the digital/virtual product
      › Data that flows from the physical product to the digital/virtual product and information that is available from the digital/virtual product to the physical environment.

      ›Prototype possible ways to implement support for Digital Twin by TQC
      ›Build an end-to-end demo that the customers can easily setup and try themselves (hands-on demo) including both SW and HW
      ›Learn Digital Twin related technology and problem areas
      ›Find and integrate already existing assets in TQC, partners and OpenSource community to build a Digital Twin demo
      ›Demonstrate Digital Twin concept to customers to get feedback to guide the
      actual development in R&D

      Demo content:
      ›Do 3D design with FreeCAD
      ›Reuse some OpenSW/HW resources for a one-arm robot (e.g. www.simua.com)
      ›Do 3D conversion with Blender & custom conversion scripts
      ›Use Qt Design Studio and Qt Creator to develope a WebAssembly application for virtual robot and an Android app for robot control
      ›Use Emscripten to compile Qt app to WebAssembly to be run in Web Browser
      ›Integrate Squish for testing both virtual and real HW
      ›Use any Android device as the controller HW (can be replaced with other Embedded HW later on for real customer cases)
      ›Utilize the new embedded HW Cloud for testing
      ›Utilize Okkono for AI
      ›HW simulation/emulation from NXP, ST etc. for virtual robot
      ›Storage from CI Cloud

      Draft presentation:


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