Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
bc7821764 (dev), 1a7f6925a (6.8)
agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: DEBUG: Running test command line: ['/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase_standalone_tests/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qwidget-1664535294836.xml,xml', '-o', '/home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qwidget-1664535294836.junit.xml,junitxml', '-o', '-,txt'] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: ********* Start testing of tst_QWidget ********* agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: Config: Using QtTest library 6.5.0, Qt 6.5.0 (x86_64-little_endian-lp64 shared (dynamic) debug build; by GCC 11.2.0), ubuntu 22.04 agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::initTestCase() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::addActionOverloads() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: QDEBUG : tst_QWidget::getSetCheck() QRect(10,10 100x100) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: QDEBUG : tst_QWidget::getSetCheck() QRect(0,0 0x0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::getSetCheck() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::fontPropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::fontPropagation2() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::fontPropagation3() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::fontPropagationDynamic() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::palettePropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::palettePropagation2() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(1026)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:54 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::palettePropagationDynamic() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::enabledPropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::ignoreKeyEventsWhenDisabled_QTBUG27417() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::properTabHandlingWhenDisabled_QTBUG27417() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(1253)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::acceptDropsPropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::isEnabledTo() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::visible() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::visible_setWindowOpacity() This plugin does not support setting window opacity agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::visible_setWindowOpacity() This plugin does not support setting window opacity agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::visible_setWindowOpacity() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::isVisibleTo() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::isHidden() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::fonts() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 1) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 0) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 1 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 0 windowMinimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 1 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 1 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 1 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 1 sub2 0 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 1 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mapFromAndTo(window 0 sub1 0 sub2 0 subsub 0 subWindow1Minimized) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::focusChainOnHide() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::focusChainOnReparent() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::defaultTabOrder() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(1921)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::reverseTabOrder() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(1978)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithProxy() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2040)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithProxyDisabled() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithProxyDisabled() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithCompoundWidgets() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2152)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithCompoundWidgetsNoFocusPolicy() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithCompoundWidgetsNoFocusPolicy() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::tabOrderNoChange() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::tabOrderNoChange2() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::appFocusWidgetWithFocusProxyLater() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2388)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::appFocusWidgetWhenLosingFocusProxy() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2415)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::explicitTabOrderWithComplexWidget() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::explicitTabOrderWithComplexWidget() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::explicitTabOrderWithSpinBox_QTBUG81097() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::explicitTabOrderWithSpinBox_QTBUG81097() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::reparent() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::setScreen() This test tests nothing on a machine with a single screen. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3235)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowState() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2555)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::resizePropagation() resizePropagation test is designed for XCB only agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2691)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showMaximized() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: XFAIL : tst_QWidget::showFullScreen() QTBUG-22326 agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(2896)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showFullScreen() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::showMinimized() Wayland: Neither xdg_shell, wl_shell or ivi_application support letting a client know whether it's minimized. So on these shells Qt Wayland will always report that it's unmimized. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3001)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::showMinimizedKeepsFocus() Window activation is not supported. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3055)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::icon() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::hideWhenFocusWidgetIsChild() Window activation is not supported. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3283)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::normalGeometry() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3324)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setGeometry() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setGeometryHidden() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::windowOpacity() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::raise() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::lower() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: XFAIL : tst_QWidget::stackUnder() See QTBUG-493 agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3831)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::stackUnder() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::testContentsPropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::saveRestoreGeometry() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(3933)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::restoreVersion1Geometry() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(4067)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::widgetAt() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(4166)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::optimizedResizeMove() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(4456)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::optimizedResize_topLevel() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(4536)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::resizeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::task110173() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::testDeletionInEventHandlers() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::childDeletesItsSibling() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setMinimumSize() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setMaximumSize() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::setFixedSize() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(4652)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::ensureCreated() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::createAndDestroy() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::winIdChangeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::persistentWinId() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showNativeChild() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::closeAndShowNativeChild() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::closeAndShowWithNativeChild() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::transientParent() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::qobject_castOnDestruction() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEvent(window: only show) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEvent(window: show/hide) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEvent(window: show/hide/create) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEvent(window: hide/create) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEvent(window: only hide) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEvent(window: nothing) agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideEventWhileMinimize() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:55 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::showHideChildrenWhileMinimize_QTBUG50589() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:56 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::lostUpdatesOnHide() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:56 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::update() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:56 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::isOpaque() agent:2022/09/30 10:54:56 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::scroll() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:54:56 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5393)] agent:2022/09/30 10:54:56 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::scrollNativeChildren() agent:2022/09/30 10:55:11 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(100,100 200x200, flags 0) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:55:11 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:11 build.go:394: 569: Expected (rect) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:11 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5651)] agent:2022/09/30 10:55:27 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(100,100 200x200, flags 800) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:55:27 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:27 build.go:394: 569: Expected (rect) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:27 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5651)] agent:2022/09/30 10:55:43 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(100,100 1080x600, flags 0) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:55:43 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 1080x600) (bottomright 1079,599) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:43 build.go:394: 569: Expected (rect) : QRect(100,100 1080x600) (bottomright 1179,699) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:43 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5651)] agent:2022/09/30 10:55:59 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(100,100 1080x600, flags 800) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:55:59 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 1080x600) (bottomright 1079,599) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:59 build.go:394: 569: Expected (rect) : QRect(100,100 1080x600) (bottomright 1179,699) agent:2022/09/30 10:55:59 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5651)] agent:2022/09/30 10:56:14 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(130,100 0x200, flags 0) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:56:14 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:56:14 build.go:394: 569: Expected (r) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:56:14 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5657)] agent:2022/09/30 10:56:30 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(130,100 0x200, flags 800) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:56:30 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:56:30 build.go:394: 569: Expected (r) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:56:30 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5657)] agent:2022/09/30 10:56:46 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(100,50 200x0, flags 0) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:56:46 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:56:46 build.go:394: 569: Expected (r) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:56:46 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5657)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:02 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(100,50 200x0, flags 800) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:02 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:02 build.go:394: 569: Expected (r) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:02 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5657)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:18 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(130,50 0x0, flags 0) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:18 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:18 build.go:394: 569: Expected (r) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:18 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5657)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::setWindowGeometry(130,50 0x0, flags 800) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.geometry()): QRect(0,0 200x200) (bottomright 199,199) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Expected (r) : QRect(100,100 200x200) (bottomright 299,299) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5657)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(100,100 200x200, flags 0) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(100,100 200x200, flags 800) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(100,100 1080x600, flags 0) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(100,100 1080x600, flags 800) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(130,100 0x200, flags 0) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(130,100 0x200, flags 800) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(100,50 200x0, flags 0) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(100,50 200x0, flags 800) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(130,50 0x0, flags 0) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::windowMoveResize(130,50 0x0, flags 800) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(5779)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::moveChild(right) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6082)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::moveChild(down) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6082)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::moveChild(left) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6082)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::moveChild(up) Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6082)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::showAndMoveChild() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6137)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::subtractOpaqueSiblings() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setLocale() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::propagateLocale() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::deleteStyle() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::multipleToplevelFocusCheck() Window activation is not supported agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6256)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::setFocus() Window activation is not supported agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6349)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setCursor() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::setToolTip() Setting mouse cursor position is not possible on Wayland agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6738)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::testWindowIconChangeEventPropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::minAndMaxSizeWithX11BypassWindowManagerHint() This test is for X11 only. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(6906)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::showHideShowX11() This test is for X11 only. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(7005)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::clean_qt_x11_enforce_cursor() This test is for X11 only. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(7026)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::childEvents() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:33 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: XPASS : tst_QWidget::renderChildFillsBackground() QCOMPARE(childPixmap, windowPixmap) returned TRUE unexpectedly. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(7471)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::renderTargetOffset() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::renderInvisible() Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(7582)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::renderWithPainter() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_task188133() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_task211796() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_task217815() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_windowOpacity() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_systemClip() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_systemClip2(Only auto-fill background) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_systemClip2(Only draw in paintEvent) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_systemClip2(Auto-fill background and draw in paintEvent) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_systemClip3(Norwegian Civil Flag) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_systemClip3(Norwegian War Flag) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_task252837() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_worldTransform() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setContentsMargins() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::moveWindowInShowEvent(1) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::moveWindowInShowEvent(2) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::repaintWhenChildDeleted() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::hideOpaqueChildWhileHidden() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::updateWhileMinimized() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(8488)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::alienWidgets() This test is only for X11/Windows. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(8548)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::nativeWindowPosition(non-native all the way) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::nativeWindowPosition(native all the way) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::nativeWindowPosition(native with non-native ancestor) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(1) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(2) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(3) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(4) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(5) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(6) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(7) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(8) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(9) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(1c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(2c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(3c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(4c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(5c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(6c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(7c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(8c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::adjustSize(9c) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateGeometry(setMinimumSize) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateGeometry(setMaximumSize) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateGeometry(setMinimumSize, then maximumSize to a different size) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateGeometry(setMinimumSize, then maximumSize to the same size) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateGeometry(setMinimumSize, then maximumSize to the same size and then hide it) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateGeometry(Change sizePolicy) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::sendUpdateRequestImmediately() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::doubleRepaint() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::resizeInPaintEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::opaqueChildren() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::dumpObjectTree() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: QDEBUG : tst_QWidget::dumpObjectTree() QWidget::w <200x200+0+0> agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: INFO : tst_QWidget::dumpObjectTree() Did not receive message: "QWidget::w <200x200+100+100>" agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::dumpObjectTree() Not all expected messages were received agent:2022/09/30 10:57:34 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setMaskInResizeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::moveInResizeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::immediateRepaintAfterInvalidateBackingStore() We don't support immediate repaint right after show on other platforms. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(9304)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::effectiveWinId() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::effectiveWinId2() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::customDpi() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::customDpiProperty() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::quitOnCloseAttribute() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::moveRect() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() QWidget::paintEngine: Should no longer be called agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::reparentStaticWidget() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::QTBUG6883_reparentStaticWidget2() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::translucentWidget() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(9683)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::setClearAndResizeMask() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(9755)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::maskedUpdate() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::syntheticEnterLeave() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10059)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide(dialog) qt.qpa.wayland: Setting cursor position is not possible on wayland agent:2022/09/30 10:57:35 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide(dialog) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:38 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide(dialog) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:38 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.numEnterEvents): 0 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:38 build.go:394: 569: Expected (expectedEnter) : 1 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:38 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10258)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:38 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide(popup) qt.qpa.wayland: Setting cursor position is not possible on wayland agent:2022/09/30 10:57:38 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide(popup) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::enterLeaveOnWindowShowHide(popup) Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: Actual (widget.numEnterEvents): 0 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: Expected (expectedEnter) : 1 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10258)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::taskQTBUG_4055_sendSyntheticEnterLeave() Wayland: Clients can't set cursor position on wayland. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10289)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::underMouse() Mouse event at -19, 51 occurs outside target window (50x50). agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::underMouse() Mouse event at 74, 124 occurs outside target window (50x50). agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::underMouse() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:41 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::taskQTBUG_27643_enterEvents() qt.qpa.wayland: Setting cursor position is not possible on wayland agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::taskQTBUG_27643_enterEvents() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::windowFlags() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::initialPosForDontShowOnScreenWidgets() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::updateOnDestroyedSignal() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::toplevelLineEditFocus() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10456)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::focusWidget_task254563() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::rectOutsideCoordinatesLimit_task144779() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setGraphicsEffect() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_graphicsEffect(no_effect) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_graphicsEffect(first_child_effect) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_graphicsEffect(top_level_effect) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::render_graphicsEffect(effect_with_extent) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::destroyBackingStore() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::activateWindow() Window activation is not supported. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10767)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::openModal_taskQTBUG_5804() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::focusProxy() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::focusProxyAndInputMethods() Window activation is not supported. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(10962)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::imEnabledNotImplemented() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::imEnabledNotImplemented() 'imEnabled.isValid()' returned FALSE. () agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(11005)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::scrollWithoutBackingStore() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::taskQTBUG_7532_tabOrderWithFocusProxy() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::movedAndResizedAttributes() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::childAt() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::taskQTBUG_17333_ResizeInfiniteRecursion() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::nativeChildFocus() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(11221)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::grab() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::grabMouse() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(11362)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::grabKeyboard() Wayland: This fails. Figure out why. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(11400)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::touchEventSynthesizedMouseEvent() Compared values are not the same agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Actual (parent.m_mouseEventCount): 0 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Expected (1) : 1 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(11595)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::touchUpdateOnNewTouch() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:42 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::touchCancel() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::touchEventsForGesturePendingWidgets() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::styleSheetPropagation() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::destroyedSignal() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::keyboardModifiers() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::mouseDoubleClickBubbling_QTBUG29680() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::largerThanScreen_QTBUG30142() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::resizeStaticContentsChildWidget_QTBUG35282() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::qmlSetParentHelper() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: SKIP : tst_QWidget::testForOutsideWSRangeFlag() Test assumes QWindows can have 0x0 size, see QTBUG-61953 agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(12251)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::tabletTracking() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: XFAIL : tst_QWidget::closeEvent() Closing a widget without a window will unconditionally send close events agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(12462)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: XFAIL : tst_QWidget::closeEvent() Closing a widget without a window will unconditionally send close events agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(12473)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::closeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::closeWithChildWindow() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::winIdAfterClose() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::receivesLanguageChangeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::receivesApplicationFontChangeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::receivesApplicationPaletteChangeEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::deleteWindowInCloseEvent() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::quitOnClose() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, before) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, before) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, before) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, before) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, before) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, before) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:44 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(give dialog parent, after) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(make dialog parentless, after) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(dialog to sheet, after) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(window to widget, after) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, after) qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::setParentChangesFocus(widget to window, after) agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: QWARN : tst_QWidget::activateWhileModalHidden() qWaitForWindowActive was called on a platform that doesn't support window activation. This means there is an error in the test and it should either check for the WindowActivation platform capability before calling qWaitForWindowActivate, use qWaitForWindowExposed instead, or skip the test. Falling back to qWaitForWindowExposed. agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: FAIL! : tst_QWidget::activateWhileModalHidden() 'dialog.isActiveWindow()' returned FALSE. () agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: Loc: [/home/qt/work/qt/qtbase/tests/auto/widgets/kernel/qwidget/tst_qwidget.cpp(12797)] agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: PASS : tst_QWidget::cleanupTestCase() agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: Totals: 232 passed, 18 failed, 57 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 170319ms agent:2022/09/30 10:57:45 build.go:394: 569: ********* Finished testing of tst_QWidget *********
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-127506 tst_QWidget::render_windowOpacity() failed on Ubuntu 24.04(arm64) GNOME Wayland
- Reported
QTBUG-128185 Fix tst_QWidget::render_windowOpacity() failed on Ubuntu 24.04(arm64) GNOME Wayland
- Reported
QTBUG-115598 tst_QWidget::render() with QtWayland failed on Ubuntu 22.04, GNOME
- Closed
QTBUG-109746 tst_QWidget::optimizedResizeMove() and optimizedResize_topLevel() with QtWayland failed on Ubuntu 22.04, GNOME
- Closed
QTBUG-124475 tst_QWidget::tabOrderWithProxyDisabled() crash on Wayland(GNOME, Ubuntu 22.04)
- Closed