agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: PASS : tst_QResourceManager::cleanupTestCase() agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: Received signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, for address 0x0000000000004b4b agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: [Non-test] function time: 6ms, total time: 45789ms agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: === Stack trace === agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: Could not attach to process. If your uid matches the uid of the target agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: process, check the setting of /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope, or try agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: again as the root user. For more details, see /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: ptrace: Inappropriate ioctl for device. agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: === End of stack trace === agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: INFO: Test process exited with code: -11 agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: INFO: Parsed XML file /home/qt/work/testresults/tst_qresourcemanager-1665739572047.xml in 0.001 seconds agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: INFO: Found 14 passes and 0 failures agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: WARNING: No failures listed in the XML test log! Did the test CRASH right after all its testcases PASSed? agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: CMake Error at tst_qresourcemanagerWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: /home/qt/work/install/libexec/ -- agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: /home/qt/work/qt/qt3d_standalone_tests/tests/auto/core/qresourcemanager/tst_qresourcemanager agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: execution failed with exit code 3. agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2: agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: 2/212 Test #2: tst_qresourcemanager .....................***Failed 92.42 sec agent:2022/10/14 09:26:58 build.go:394: test 3
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-108366 Assertion failure at end of qt3d's tst_qresourcemanager under QEMU
- Closed
- is required for
QTQAINFRA-4698 Ubuntu 22.04 as Embedded Development Host
- Closed
- relates to
QTBUG-105342 Test on qemu are very flacky
- Reported