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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-108225

qtquickdesigner-components doesn't work with Qt6.4 and Qt6.3.2(msvc2019_64), but works with Qt6.3.2 mingw 64bit



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Incomplete
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 6.3.2, 6.4.0
    • None
    • Windows


      EDIT:  I built qtquickdesigner-components myself, using mingw64 and msvc2019_64 using both Qt6.3.2 and Qt6.4.0 and their command prompts.


      When I built the project which had been created in QDS(I configured the project for Qt6.2 when I had created the project in QDS. I chose Qt6.2 without any particular intention. I just didn't notice I could change it) with Qt6.4 Kit for mingw 64bit and msvc2019 64bit, and Qt6.3.2 msvc2019_64, some issues occurred, whereas it was built and run fine with Qt 6.3.2 kit for mingw 64bit. 

      Qt 6.4 Mingw 11.2.0 64bit kit issue

      For this, the built application crashed right after it had started. (both debug and release build)

      But like I mentioned above, with Qt6.3.2 with kit Mingw 11.2.0 64bit, the application ran without any issues.

      The error message is as follows:

      17:56:51: Starting C:/Users/81808/work/Study/QDS/build-Sandbox3-Desktop_Qt_6_4_0_MinGW_64_bit-Release/Sandbox3App.exe...
      17:56:51: C:/Users/81808/work/Study/QDS/build-Sandbox3-Desktop_Qt_6_4_0_MinGW_64_bit-Release/Sandbox3App.exe crashed.

      Then I ran the app in debug mode to see what had happened and it showed something like this.

      The arrow (1) in the image shows that there was a segmentation fault

      The arrow (2) in the image shows that "QtQuick.Studio.Application" caused some kind of issue


      Qt 6.4.0 and Qt 6.3.2 msvc2019 64bit kit issue

      For Qt 6.4.0 msvc 2019 64bit compiler and Qt 6.3.2 msvc 2019 64bit compiler, it showed an error like this:

      17:43:35: Starting C:/Users/81808/work/Study/QDS/build-Sandbox3-Desktop_Qt_6_3_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Release/Sandbox3App.exe...
      QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
      qrc:Main/main.qml:7:1: Type App unavailable
      qrc:/content/App.qml:42:5: Type Screen01 unavailable
      qrc:/content/Screen01.ui.qml: Type Constants unavailable
      qrc:/Sandbox3/Constants.qml:3:1: ライブラリ C:\Qt\6.3.2\msvc2019_64\qml\QtQuick\Studio\Application\quickstudioapplicationplugin.dll を読み込めません: The specified procedure could not be found.
      17:43:36: C:/Users/81808/work/Study/QDS/build-Sandbox3-Desktop_Qt_6_3_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Release/Sandbox3App.exe exited with code -1

      The Japanese part basically says "it couldn't load C:\Qt\6.3.2\msvc2019_64\qml\QtQuick\Studio\Application\quickstudioapplicationplugin.dll"

      The error above is weird because "C:\Qt\6.3.2\msvc2019_64\qml\QtQuick\Studio\Application\quickstudioapplicationplugin.dll" exists in the file explorer. (both for Qt6.3.2 and Qt6.4.0, as shown in the images below)

      *by the way, when I first tried building with debug build, Qt Creator told me to use release build instead because of the compatibility issue. Then I used release build and got this error. I guess qtquickdesigner-components was built in release build without me having had explicitly specified it.

      <Qt 6.3.2>

      <Qt 6.4.0>


      I'm using Windows 11.

      I built qtquickdesigner-components for Qt 6.4 for both mingw_64(version 11.2.0) and msvc2019_64 and Qt 6.3.2 for mingw_64(version 11.2.0) and msvc2019_64.

      All of then showed the warning(written below in the code section) after the configuration, but they were all built and installed fine. 

      Given the fact that the app built with Qt6.3.2 mingw 64bit ran fine with this warning shown when qtquickdesigner-components had been built for it, I don't think these warnings have anytihng to do with the issue on this subject.

      -- Could NOT find WrapVulkanHeaders (missing: Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR)
      -- Could NOT find WrapVulkanHeaders (missing: Vulkan_INCLUDE_DIR)
      QtQuickStudioApplication: WARNING: C:/Qt/qtquickdesigner-components/src/imports/application/QuickStudioApplication_autogen/moc_predefs.h does not include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
      QtQuickStudioApplication: WARNING: C:/Qt/qtquickdesigner-components/src/imports/application/QuickStudioApplicationplugin_autogen/moc_predefs.h does not include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE-- Configuring done
      -- Generating done
      -- Build files have been written to: C:/Qt/qtquickdesigner-components

      I attached the project folder(Sandbox3), please open it in Qt Creator and built it with Qt 6.4 kit(mingw64 and msvc2019_64) and Qt6.3.2 for msvc2019. I think the issues will reproduce.



        1. image-2022-11-05-17-47-39-516.png
          27 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        2. image-2022-11-05-17-54-44-676.png
          30 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        3. image-2022-11-05-17-58-39-432.png
          239 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        4. image-2022-11-10-11-09-09-585.png
          386 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        5. image-2022-11-10-11-17-24-621.png
          386 kB
          Mikio Hirai
        6. Sandbox3.zip
          20 kB
          Mikio Hirai
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