When we use qmlformat the comments we are using to annotate our translations are removed in some cases:
onDeleteConfirmed: { setLockedAndHidden(); push(deleteProgressView, { //: LABEL ANDROID IOS "text": qsTr("Resetting Smart-eID"), "progressBarVisible": true, //: LABEL ANDROID IOS "progressText": qsTr("Resetting Smart-eID") }); SmartModel.deleteSmart(); }
sectionsModel: [{ //: LABEL DESKTOP "categoryName": qsTr("All provider"), "category": "all" }, { //: LABEL DESKTOP "categoryName": qsTr("Citizen services"), "category": "citizen" }, { //: LABEL DESKTOP "categoryName": qsTr("Financials"), "category": "finance" }, { //: LABEL DESKTOP "categoryName": qsTr("Insurances"), "category": "insurance" }, { //: LABEL DESKTOP "categoryName": qsTr("Other services"), "category": "other" }]
Simple Example:
Item { property var test: [{ // Testing "foo": "bar" }] onTestChanged: { fooBar(test, { // Testing "foo": "bar" }); } }