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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-109510

service.discoverDetails() API gets stuck on Windows 11 on GUI QT applications



    • Windows


      I have been using PySide6 (version 6.4.1) so far to build a GUI BLE client for a custom hardware with two GATT services (one is standard/battery_service and other non-standard service) which works fine on Windows 10.

      I am struggling right now to run it on Windows 11 Version 21H2 (OS Build 22000.1335) for weeks without any luck!

      I debugged it thoroughly; And found out that it gets stuck on service.discoverDetails() call.
      It seems QT BLE gets stuck on ServiceState.RemoteServiceDiscovering forever (i.e. ServiceState.RemoteServiceDiscovered never happens).

      P.S. on windows 10; I used to accomplish that by deferring call via QTimer rather than just service.discoverDetails().
      I remember that that I had to do this two years ago to fix some bug with Windows 10 back then.


      QTimer.singleShot(0, lambda: service.discoverDetails())


      However; On Windows 11 none of these two ways of invocation really works!

      service.discoverDetails() # Does not work on win 11
      QTimer.singleShot(0, lambda: service.discoverDetails()) # This also does not work on win 11

      Another important observation that I noticed during debugging this issue:
      I used to use a console application (i.e. uses QCoreApplication) to connect to my BLE hardward and it runs fine on Windows 11;
      but when I tried to replace QCoreApplication with QGuiApplication it does not work!


      Issue encountered with python 3.9.7


      Your help is much appreciated!!!




        1. sample_application_with_workaround.py
          21 kB
          Rida Shamasneh
        2. sample_appliaction.py
          20 kB
          Rida Shamasneh
        3. qtbug109510.py
          21 kB
          Friedemann Kleint
        4. qtbug109510_cpp.zip
          6 kB
          Ivan Solovev
        5. image-2022-12-20-22-04-04-179.png
          12 kB
          Rida Shamasneh
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