Resolution: Out of scope
P2: Important
5.15.1, 6.5.0
Using QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() with a file filter of:
"All NASA/FUN3D files (*.b8.ugrid *.mapbc);;NASA/FUN3D b8.ugrid files (*.b8.ugrid);;NASA/FUN3D mapbc files (*.mapbc);;All files (*)"
Given a destination dir containing files named junk.b8.ugrid and junk.mapbc
- Display the QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() dialog box
- Navigate to the given destination dir
- Enter the file name junk (no extension) in the dialog box
- Using mouse, select junk.b8.ugrid from the autocomplete popup
- Left-arrow and change the file name to junkx.b8.ugrid
- Save
- QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() returns junkx.b8.ugrid.b8.ugrid
This may be related to QTBUG-109877
6.5.0 windows QList() QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>() QList("C:/dev/projects/qtbug110027/junkx.b8.ugrid.b8.ugrid") qtbug110027.exe -n 6.5.0 windows QList(-n) QFlags<QFileDialog::Option>(DontUseNativeDialog) QList("C:/dev/projects/qtbug110027/junkx.b8.ugrid")
Issue Links
- relates to
QTBUG-109877 macOS: QFileDialog::getSaveFileName() truncates a compound extension
- Closed