In main.cpp, we have this code:
#define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 ~~~ char snBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; ~~~ case SDP_URL_STR8: case SDP_URL_STR16: case SDP_URL_STR32: strncpy(snBuffer, data->val.str, data->unitSize - 1);
This looks dangerous. The third argument should be sizeof snBuffer, not data->unitSize - 1. Even if by some technical reason strlen(val.str) can only be < 1024, it still looks wrong. If the idea was to avoid strncpy()'s filling of the whole buffer that way, strncat() would be a better choice (cf.
I don't know the external constraints here, so I'm creating this ticket instead of fixin myself: SDP_TEXT_STR handling suggests that there may be embedded NULs, so xmlString.append(data->val.str, data->unitSize - 1) may be as wrong as assuming val.str is NUL-terminated, in which case xmlString.append(data->val.str) would be apt. The (original?) code at is also weird, strndup()'ing instead of directly passing to appender()...
Please check whether this is a security problem and fix accordingly.
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QTBUG-111370 Port sdpscanner to produce CBOR output (was: XML)
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