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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-112852

Allow faking the progress of time for testing code using QTimer



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • None
    • Core: Event loop
    • None
    • All


      Our code uses QTimers extensively - both repeating QTimers and singleshot QTimer.

      Unfortunately this makes writing tests very sad, because the tests take a long time to run and can be flaky (when a typical timeout is eg 2 minutes this adds up quickly).

      It would be nice if there was some way we could "fake" the passage of time for testing - eg an "enableDeterministicTime() + advanceTimeBy()" API? This would allow us to run tests with deterministic timings, and most tests would complete immediately rather than taking minutes.


      Existing work arounds:

      • we can mock QTimer and inject, which works, but requires us to maintain and document a custom QTimer like API, convert over older code, and it doesn't work for static methods like QTimer::singleShot (this is our current approach)
      • we can write a QTimer wrapper and switch in another implementation when compiling test binaries, but this has similar issues to mocking + injection except that static methods can be implemented
      • exposing the relevant callbacks as slots and calling them directly in the tests, which exposes implementation details and doesn't work with lambda arguments
      • we can use some LD_LIBRARY_PRELOAD magic to fake the underlying calls, but this isn't portable and seems like it will break easily if Qt changes


      Other people that might benefit from such a feature:


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            alastair.hughes Alastair Hughes
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