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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-113287

Buggy behavior from tooltips when tooltip box resizes



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 5.15
    • None
    • Linux/X11


      In order to recreate this bug, you need an application that has a vertical or horizontal list of widgets in the GUI that when hovering your mouse over any one of them causes a tooltip to be displayed. If you hold your mouse on one of them to get the tooltip and then move your mouse to the next item in the list, the tooltip box will attempt to resize to fit the content of the new tooltip. Sometimes this resize is successful, but other times you get some very buggy behavior. How buggy the behavior is seems to depend on how far your mouse had to move and the starting/ending size of the content to appear in the tooltip. The shorter the distance your mouse moves and the greater the differential between the size of the starting and ending content, the more frequently issues seem to arise.

      I am able to reproduce this very consistently in various Qt applications. I have attached 3 recordings from my desktop of me reproducing this bug in different Qt applications.

      puddletag.mkv - This is in the application [Puddletag|https://github.com/puddletag/puddletag], which uses PyQt. As I move my cursor left and right over the buttons, notice that sometimes the size of the tooltip after the resize isn't the correct size to fit the new content.

      kate.mkv - This is in the application Kate, which is a KDE application and uses Qt natively. As I move my cursor up and down over the buttons, sometimes the resized tooltip isn't large enough to contain the text of the new item, but also sometimes the tooltip just doesn't show up at all.

      strawberry.mkv - This is the application Strawberry music player, which also uses Qt natively. Notice that as I move my cursor up and down, the tooltip box rarely resizes to the correct size and also has a very ugly graphical bug where the animation for the tooltip resize keeps looping over and over. This one is the most severe example I have found and it seems to be due to how little one has to move the mouse between each widget.


        1. kate.mkv
          650 kB
        2. puddletag.mkv
          725 kB
        3. strawberry.mkv
          565 kB
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