Resolution: Fixed
P2: Important
6.6.0 Beta1
Apple M1 Pro, macIS Vnetura 13
System Integrity Protection On
Qt installed by installer, using Qt 6.6.0 beta1
using bundled Qt Creator
4e1b3a26b (dev), af2a437dd (6.6)
On Apple M1 Pro, macOS Ventura 13, the compiled ifcodegen run on an example in Qt Creator stops with an error in the click library complaining about unset UTF8 locale.
Steps to reproduce:
- With the installer, install Qt 6.6.0 beta1 including Qt Interface Framework
- In Qt Creator, open qface-tutorial/ch3-simulation-backend
- Watch the cmake run breaking with
-- Running ifcodegen for /Users/soheil/Qt/Examples/Qt-6.6.0/interfaceframework/qface-tutorial/ch3-simulation-backend/instrument-cluster.qface with template frontend
ifcodegen call failed:
/Users/soheil/Qt/6.6.0/macos/./libexec/ifcodegen -T /Users/soheil/Qt/6.6.0/android_arm64_v8a/./ifcodegen-templates --template=frontend --force /Users/soheil/Qt/Examples/Qt-6.6.0/interfaceframework/qface-tutorial/ch3-simulation-backend/instrument-cluster.qface /Users/soheil/repos/build-ch3-simulation-backend-Android_Qt_6_6_0_Clang_arm64_v8a-RelWithDebInfo/frontend/frontend
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/soheil/.cache/The\ Qt\ Company/ifcodegen/", line 215, in <module>
File "/Users/soheil/.cache/The\ Qt\ Company/ifcodegen/", line 1137, in _call_
File "/Users/soheil/.cache/The\ Qt\ Company/ifcodegen/", line 1043, in main
File "/Users/soheil/.cache/The\ Qt\ Company/ifcodegen/", line 100, in _verify_python_env
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Consult for mitigation steps.
This system lists some UTF-8 supporting locales that you can pick from. The following suitable locales were discovered: af_ZA.UTF-8, am_ET.UTF-8, be_BY.UTF-8, bg_BG.UTF-8, ca_ES.UTF-8, cs_CZ.UTF-8, d
See the rest in the attached logfile.
Adding LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 in the project's build environment helps. However, just setting these variables for the current user from .zprofile is not working as Creator gets a "system default" environment as the base.