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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-114818

Building from source Documentation can be more descriptive



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      It would be nice if Building Qt from source documentation for Qt6 can be more descriptive sighting common errors and solution:

      For example.


      ERROR: Feature "openssl": Forcing to "ON" breaks its condition:
          QT_FEATURE_openssl_runtime OR QT_FEATURE_openssl_linked
      Condition values dump:
          QT_FEATURE_openssl_runtime = "OFF 

      in above case it should be mentioned that this error means Or Error it should say following:

      "openssl at <default search location> not found, OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR not set"


      For Webengine https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtwebengine-platform-notes.html

      It would be nice if the document says that CMake, Python, Bison, Flex, GPerf, Node.js etc should be added to PATH.


      And when adding this instruction to PATH it is important that to mention to not use quotes because it seems that Cmake has bug which considers

      SET PATH=%_ROOT%;"C:\Program Files\Python311"; as

      paths like C:\currentworkingdirectory\"C:\Program Files\Python311", which is invalid.


      several time during parallel build, where the build process aborted with a file access denied error. It seemed as if one job was still creating a dll/exe and had exclusive access to this file while another job was trying to embed a manifest in the binary.
      Restarting with
      cmake --build . helps.


      It is stated that html5lib is needed. Please add 2 more hints:

      • How html5 lib is installed (using pip3)
      • As it seems, it must be installed with admin rights, otherwise it ends up in a per-user directory, where it is not found by cmake


      It is already stated that "The path should also be kept short.". However, how short is "short"? Also, couldn't a cmake script check this beforehand and inform the user with a good message? The resulting error messages, if path length of 260 chars is exceeded, are not very helpful.


      Please add a hint, how much RAM is needed to build Qt6 (with and without WebEngine).
      With WebEngine, 8GB are not enough. Had to install and prepare everything on another PC with more RAM.



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              michal Michal Klocek
              irfan.omair@digia.com Irfan Omair
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