Uploaded image for project: 'Qt'
  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-115343

Submodule update at 6.5 fails



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • P1: Critical
    • 6.5.3, 6.6.0 Beta3
    • 6.5
    • Build System
    • None
    • 8941da8b4 (6.6), 09293b81e (6.5)


      Submodule update for 6.5 fails, task https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qt5/+/491724

      See https://coin.ci.qt.io/coin/integration/qt/qt5/tasks/1695142458

      Error message:
      Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'cmake --build . --parallel
      – Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
      Detailed description of error:

      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:872: Executing instruction 45 of 49 - ExecuteCommand
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:425: [cmake --build . --target qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/all qtbase/src/plugins/sqldrivers/all qttools/all --parallel -v] 3h20m0s 20m0s false false
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: ninja: error: loading 'build.ninja': No such file or directory
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:453: Process finished with error: exit status 1
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:832: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 2 - Upload all core dumps if there are some
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:650: Skip uploading core files because CORE_FILES_PATH is not set in the environment
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:840: 
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:832: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 2 - Print sccache statistics
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:425: [sccache -s] 30s 30s false true
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Compile requests                      0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Compile requests executed             0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache hits                            0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache misses                          0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache timeouts                        0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache read errors                     0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Forced recaches                       0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache write errors                    0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Compilation failures                  0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache errors                          0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Non-cacheable compilations            0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Non-cacheable calls                   0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Non-compilation calls                 0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Unsupported compiler calls            0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Average cache write               0.000 s
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Average cache read miss           0.000 s
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Average cache read hit            0.000 s
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Failed distributed compilations       0
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:402: Cache location                  S3, bucket: Bucket(name=cache, base_url=http://ci-sccache:9000/cache/)
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 build.go:840: 
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 agent.go:423: Build failed
      agent:2023/07/19 12:33:16 agent.go:248: ERROR building: exit status 1
      INFO:workitem.py:676(11558): Agent FINISHED FAIL: <could not determine failure location - check log: /mnt/coin-storage-01/ci-working-dir/storage/qt/qt5/303fea227be9b2340de1a67bc7e227b0c8f97161/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-f27e49Documentation_Sccache_TestDocs_UseConfigure/5f8fedbbd65a936865c5262139d54af8f5482205/build_1695142464/log.txt.gz>: qt/qt5/303fea227be9b2340de1a67bc7e227b0c8f97161/LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64LinuxUbuntu_22_04x86_64GCCqtci-linux-Ubuntu-22.04-x86_64-51-f27e49Documentation_Sccache_TestDocs_UseConfigure/5f8fedbbd65a936865c5262139d54af8f5482205/Build
      INFO:workitem.py:763(11558): <a href="https://inframetrics.intra.qt.io/d/nOAsINmZz/telegraf-coin-vms?orgId=1&from=1689769916000&to=1689769997000&var-server=1688910895-1492692">VM metrics</a>
      INFO:workitem.py:766(11558): <a href="https://inframetrics.intra.qt.io/d/nOAsINNZz/telegraf-hosts?orgId=1&from=1689769916000&to=1689769997000&var-server=legal-goblin">Host metrics</a> 


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          For Gerrit Dashboard: QTBUG-115343
          # Subject Branch Project Status CR V



              semlanik Alexey Edelev
              maijametso Maija Metso
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