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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-115600

FAIL! : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend)



    • 7f674969a (dev), dde6735d2 (6.6), 6eb7d623b (6.5)


      FAIL!  : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) Compared values are not the same
         Actual   (comboList.count()): 0
         Expected (2)                : 2
         Loc: [/Users/qt/work/qt/qtinterfaceframework/tests/auto/core/ifcodegen/backends/test/tst_backends.cpp(196)]
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -  Qml GC memory allocation statistics:
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -  Total memory allocated: 0
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -  Max memory used before a GC run: 0
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -  Max memory used after a GC run: 0
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -  Requests for different item sizes:
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       < 32  bytes:  562
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       < 64  bytes:  2739
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       < 96  bytes:  555
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       < 128  bytes:  130
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       < 160  bytes:  7
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       < 192  bytes:  0
      QDEBUG : BackendsTest::testInit(simulation-backend) [     0.030 D] qt.qml.gc.statistics unknown:0 unknown()  -       >= 224  bytes:  60
      INFO   : BackendsTest::cleanupTestCase() entering
      PASS   : BackendsTest::cleanupTestCase()
      Totals: 2 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 36ms
      ********* Finished testing of BackendsTest *********
      "/Users/qt/work/install/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/libworkerscriptplugin.dylib" unloaded library (faked)
      "/Users/qt/work/install/qml/QtQuick/libqtquick2plugin.dylib" unloaded library (faked)
      "/Users/qt/work/qt/qtinterfaceframework_standalone_tests/tests/auto/core/ifcodegen/backends/cmdlistener/libcmdlistenerplugin.dylib" unloaded library (faked)
      "/Users/qt/work/qt/qtinterfaceframework_standalone_tests/tests/auto/core/ifcodegen/backends/interfaceframework/libecho_qtro_simulator.dylib" unloaded library (faked)
      qt-testrunner.py     INFO: Test process exited with code: 1
      qt-testrunner.py     INFO: Test has FAILed despite all repetitions! re-runs:5 failures:5
      CMake Error at test/tst_backendsWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message):
        /Users/qt/work/install/libexec/qt-testrunner.py --
        execution failed with exit code 2.
      16/17 Test #16: tst_backends .....................***Failed   85.65 sec

      Build log: https://testresults.qt.io/logs/qt/qtinterfaceframework/270076c0cec3e1f1ff0728e2819da992e374208f/MacOSMacOS_13arm64MacOSMacOS_13arm64Clangqtci-macos-13-arm64TestOnly/d960a5daaf9e9622b7206f0659d63d6e090783ea/test_1696213572/log.txt.gz

      Details: https://testresults.qt.io/coin/integration/qt/qtinterfaceframework/tasks/1696213479

      Tested changes (refs/builds/qtci/dev/1690589384):
      https://codereview.qt-project.org/c/qt/qtinterfaceframework/+/492932/3 Update dependencies on 'dev' in qt/qtinterfaceframework


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