Resolution: Unresolved
Not Evaluated
On Wayland the compositor is in sole control of user input and a client can't influence the cursor positions at all. There are still use cases where the cursor should not be able to escape a particular region or not move at all.
For this exists the pointer constraints protocol. It covers confined and locked cursors
Locked pointer:
- activates once pointer is inside a specified region of the window (can be the whole window)
- once activated the actual system cursor does not move at all (also wl_pointer.motion events are send)
- however the application can get information of the movement of the physical mouse by using the relative pointer protocol and draw a custom cursor if needed
- potential use cases: Games, remote control
Confined pointer:
- activates once pointer is inside a specified region of the window (can be the whole window)
- once activated the cursor cant escape the region
- use cases: VM, remote session, remote control
Wayland objects needed here are: wl_pointer which is availabel in QNativeInterface::QWaylandApplication and wl_surface in QNativeInterface::Private::QWaylandWindow
Issue Links
- resulted from
QTBUG-113795 Way forward for window and screen native interfaces for KDE
- Open