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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-117080

Numbered llists in HTML



    • Suggestion
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Linux/Other display system


      Good afternoon,

      I would like to suggest the following improvement to the QTextBrowser implemented in the QOwnNotes app for Linux.

      Expected behaviour

      An example is more efficient than a long dry speech :

      I type :

      1. number one
      2. number two

      The preview says :

      1. number one
      2. number two.

      So far so good.

      But when I type :

      1. number one
        some text in between
      2. number two
        some text in between...
      3. etc...

      I expect the preview to follow my input of numbers. Inserting a regular block of text between two points seems to reset the numbered list to zero, even though I explicitely and with no ambiguous terms entered the right numbers.

      Actual behaviour

      The preview says :

      1. number one

      some text in between

      1. number two

      some text in between

      1. number three

      After consulting the QOwnNotes team, it appears that :

      The QTextBrowser doesn't support ol start="3", so it starts at 1)

      So I would like to inquire the support of this command line.

      Thanks for your attention. 


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