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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-121796 Widgets and Quick hybrid UI development
  3. QTBUG-117595

Add mechanism in order to “host” a control with a Tab-focus regime different from QQuickItem



    • Technical task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • Quick: Other


      In a read-only document (e.g. web browser), it is common to be able to Tab through links. Or maybe you would like to tab through all objects in a Qt Quick 3D scene. Today, we don’t have any mechanism to support that, since <Tab> will just move focus to the next focusable QQuickItem.

      Could be useful for:

      • Custom tab focus handling in a Textbrowser control (e.g. Tab through links)
      • Custom tab focus handling in a TableView/GridView/ListView (e.g. move to next/previous cell)
      • Hosting a QWidget form inside a QQuickItem (or any other framework with tab focus)
      • A quick view hosted in a window container, to return focus to widgets, when pressing a tab key wraps the quick focus chain.


      A mechanism similar to

      virtual QWidget::focusNextPrevChild() 

      I don’t think it is important to expose this to QML, but if we want we could add a JS callback later (that is called from the virtual if the callback exists).


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