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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-117700

StackView's enter transitions are broken when pushing/replacing onto an empty stack



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • Not Evaluated
    • None
    • 6.5.2
    • Quick: Controls 2
    • None
    • Operating System: openSUSE Tumbleweed 20230926
      Qt Version: 6.5.2
    • Linux/X11
    • 6d0e545d7 (dev), 22b3c9533 (6.6), e5c56b2eb (6.5), 57dd88b9a (tqtc/lts-6.2)


      Run the code example below.

      • You will notice that there is no transition after clicking Push or Replace on an empty StackView.
      • For both transitions the property `x` is instantly set to the transition's `to` value.
      • If you uncomment the OpacityAnimator then the property `x` is instantly set to it's `from` value and the opacity is set to 0.
      • This behaviour is not observed when there is at least 1 item already on the stack.
      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls as Controls
      Controls.ApplicationWindow {
          id: root
          width: 800
          height: 600
          visible: true
          property real x: -1
          readonly property int transitionDuration: 500
          Component {
              id: myComponent
              Rectangle {}
          Column {
              anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
              Controls.Button {
                  text: "Push red"
                  onClicked: stackView.push(myComponent, {color: "red", opacity: 1})
              Controls.Button {
                  text: "Push blue"
                  onClicked: stackView.push(myComponent, {color: "blue", opacity: 1})
              Controls.Button {
                  text: "Replace green"
                  onClicked: stackView.replace(null, myComponent, {color: "green", opacity: 1})
              Controls.Button {
                  text: "Replace yellow"
                  onClicked: stackView.replace(null, myComponent, {color: "yellow", opacity: 1})
              Controls.Button {
                  text: "Clear"
                  onClicked: {stackView.clear(); root.x = -1;}
              Controls.Label {
                  text: "Stack items: " + stackView.depth + ", current opacity: " + stackView.currentItem?.opacity + ", value of x: " + root.x
              Controls.StackView {
                  id: stackView
                  width: 300
                  height: 300
                  pushEnter: Transition {
                      NumberAnimation {
                          from: 0
                          to: 1
                          duration: root.transitionDuration
                          target: root
                          property: "x"
                  replaceEnter: Transition {
                      //OpacityAnimator {
                      //     from: 0
                      //    to: 1
                      //    duration: root.transitionDuration
                      NumberAnimation {
                          from: 2
                          to: 3
                          duration: root.transitionDuration
                          target: root
                          property: "x"


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            mitch_curtis Mitch Curtis
            jackh Jack Hill
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