Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
6.5, 6.6
Incomplete description, to be expanded later
If we want to provide good autocomplete in the language server, we need a parser that doesn't error out of after the first syntax issue. This also requires adjusting the AST to support incomplete and "faulty" constructs. The parser should also provide human-understandable output in some way so that you can actually debug grammar issues. Furthermore, it should give us the option of producing custom error messages for certain grammar violations so that users can figure out what is wrong.
Issue Links
- blocks
QTBUG-119304 Cryptic error message when reserved keyword is used as property name
- Reported
- is required for
QTTA-294 QML LSP fails if syntax errors are found
- Reported
QTBUG-119504 Inconsistent behavior of list property in QML
- Open
QTBUG-97637 QML Language Server Support for IDEs (like VSCode, QtC)
- In Progress
- relates to
QTBUG-32574 QML parser claims syntax error when binding value to a custom list property
- Closed
QTCREATORBUG-31125 Various issues with QML LSP
- Closed
QTBUG-115836 QQmlJS Parser/qmlls/QmlDom: support for partially invalid code
- Closed