Resolution: Duplicate
P1: Critical
6.5.3, 6.6.0, dev
a45eceefa (dev), 30b4086f8 (6.6), b3fc0115a (tqtc/lts-6.5)
For example:
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: PASS : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::focusMultiplePopup()
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: PASS : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::contentChildrenChange()
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::doubleClickInMouseArea() QEGLPlatformContext: eglMakeCurrent failed: 3009
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::doubleClickInMouseArea() QRhiGles2: Failed to make context current. Expect bad things to happen.
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::doubleClickInMouseArea() Failed to create RHI (backend 2)
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::doubleClickInMouseArea() Failed to create QRhi on the render thread; scenegraph is not functional
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: QFATAL : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::doubleClickInMouseArea() Failed to initialize graphics backend for OpenGL.
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: FAIL! : tst_QQuickPopup::Basic::doubleClickInMouseArea() Received a fatal error.
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: Totals: 92 passed, 1 failed, 4 skipped, 0 blacklisted, 62905ms
agent:2023/10/24 10:08:46 build.go:404: 90: ********* Finished testing of tst_QQuickPopup::Basic *********
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: PASS : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::state()
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::overlay(Window) QEGLPlatformContext: eglMakeCurrent failed: 3009
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::overlay(Window) QRhiGles2: Failed to make context current. Expect bad things to happen.
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::overlay(Window) Failed to create RHI (backend 2)
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: QWARN : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::overlay(Window) Failed to create QRhi on the render thread; scenegraph is not functional
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: QFATAL : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::overlay(Window) Failed to initialize graphics backend for OpenGL.
agent:2023/10/24 23:38:54 build.go:404: 90: FAIL! : tst_QQuickPopup::Fusion::overlay(Window) Received a fatal error.
Issue Links
- duplicates
QTBUG-100991 Some tests crash on Android CI
- Reported