Resolution: Unresolved
P2: Important
When clicking several times on the language symbol without changing the language, approximatively 5 languages under it will become invisible, but yet remain active. The amount of time clicking required for this bug to occur is different for languages and not all of them are the same.
Here is a list and the amount of clicking required for the languages to disappear:
Thai, Svenska, Српски, shqip, slovenscina, slovencina, russian, romana, portuguese europeu, portuguese, polski, nederlands, norsk bokmal, melayu, korean, chinese (over korean), italiano, Indonesia, Magyar (disappear every 3 clicks)
Hvratski, hindi (disappear every 4 clicks)
Hebrew francais (disappear every 5 clicks)
Francais canadien (disappear every 6 clicks)
Suomi (disappear every 9 clicks)
Arabic (disappear every 16 clicks)
Steps to reproduce this bug:
- Pick a language from the list.
- Click on the language symbol twice, to open it and close it
- Click again depending of the amount in the list.
- The following 5-6 languages will be now invisible, but yet active.
- If you click once more the cycle restart.
The very last one has a slightly different behavior as that no languages will be shown at all, and none are active.