Resolution: Fixed
P0: Blocker
6.7.0 FF
********* Start testing of shadowinput ********* Config: Using QtTest library 6.7.0, Qt 6.7.0 (x86_64-little_endian-llp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 11.2.0), windows 11 INFO: Test process exited with code: 3221225477 ERROR: Failed to parse the XML log file: \Users\qt\work\testresults\tst_shadowinput-1700112634435.xml ERROR: File Contents: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <TestCase name="shadowinput"> <Environment> <QtVersion>6.7.0</QtVersion> <QtBuild>Qt 6.7.0 (x86_64-little_endian-llp64 shared (dynamic) release build; by GCC 11.2.0)</QtBuild> <QTestVersion>6.7.0</QTestVersion> </Environment> <TestFunction name="tst_inputpanelcontrols::initTestCase"> ERROR: exception:ParseError no element found: line 9, column 0 ERROR: The test executable probably crashed, see above for details ERROR: Full test run failed repeatedly, aborting! CMake Error at tst_shadowinputWrapperRelWithDebInfo.cmake:18 (message): \Users\qt\work\install\bin\ -- C:/Users/qt/work/qt/qtvirtualkeyboard_standalone_tests/tests/auto/shadowinput/tst_shadowinput.exe execution failed with exit code 3. 86% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 7 Label Time Summary: tests/auto/dictionarymanager/tst_dictionarymanager = 0.52 sec*proc (1 test) tests/auto/inputpanel/tst_inputpanel = 51.84 sec*proc (1 test) tests/auto/inputpanelcontrols/tst_inputpanelcontrols = 2.30 sec*proc (1 test) tests/auto/layoutfilesystem/tst_layoutfilesystem = 1.45 sec*proc (1 test) tests/auto/layoutresources/tst_layoutresources = 1.28 sec*proc (1 test) tests/auto/shadowinput/tst_shadowinput = 8.44 sec*proc (1 test) tests/auto/styles/tst_styles = 0.85 sec*proc (1 test) Total Test time (real) = 66.72 sec The following tests FAILED: 7 - tst_shadowinput (Failed) Errors while running CTest agent:2023/11/16 05:30:38 build.go:455: Process finished with error: exit status 8 agent:2023/11/16 05:30:38 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 1 of 3 - Upload all core dumps if there are some agent:2023/11/16 05:30:38 build.go:652: Skip uploading core files because CORE_FILES_PATH is not set in the environment agent:2023/11/16 05:30:38 build.go:763: agent:2023/11/16 05:30:38 build.go:755: Executing scheduled instruction 2 of 3 - Print sccache statistics agent:2023/11/16 05:30:38 build.go:427: [sccache -s] 30s 30s false true Compile requests 0 Compile requests executed 0 Cache hits 0 Cache misses 0 Cache timeouts 0 Cache read errors 0 Forced recaches 0 Cache write errors 0 Compilation failures 0 Cache errors 0 Non-cacheable compilations 0 Non-cacheable calls 0 Non-compilation calls 0 Unsupported compiler calls 0 Average cache write 0.000 s Average cache read miss 0.000 s Average cache read hit 0.000 s Failed distributed compilations 0 Cache location S3, bucket: Bucket(name=cache, base_url=http://ci-sccache:9000/cache/) Executing scheduled instruction 3 of 3 - Upload test results Collecting test results, archiving and uploading them Collecting 25 test results ... Test failed ERROR building: exit status 8
Tested changes (refs/builds/qtci/dev/1700112371): Update dependencies on 'dev' in qt/qtvirtualkeyboard
Issue Links
- is duplicated by
QTBUG-120104 qtvirtualkeyboard_standalone_tests/tests/auto/shadowinput/tst_shadowinput.exe fails on CI
- Reported