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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-120197

"QQuickRectangle: Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor" in Qt 6.7



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P2: Important
    • None
    • 6.7
    • Quick: Controls 2
    • None
    • Fedora 39


      The following code behaves differently in Qt 6.7 compared to 6.6:


      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls
      Page {
          id: root
          header: Rectangle {
              color: "red"
              height: 20
              anchors.top: globalToolBar.visible ? globalToolBar.bottom : root.top
          contentItem: ScrollView {
              id: scrollView
              anchors {
                  top: root.header.bottom
                  bottom: parent.bottom
                  left: parent.left
                  right: parent.right
              contentItem: ListView {
                  id: locationView
                  model: 40
                  delegate: Text {
                      text: "Hello " + index
                      width: ListView.view.width
          data: [
              Rectangle {
                  id: globalToolBar 
                  color: "blue"
                  implicitHeight: 40
                  z: 9999
                  anchors {
                      left: parent.left
                      right: parent.right
                      top: parent.top

      This is a much reduced version of what KDE's Kirigami framework does internally.

      In Qt 6.6 it first shows a blue header, then a red header, then the list items starting at index 0, as expected

      In 6.7 the blue header is shown, but the red header is missing, and the first visible list item is index 1. Dragging the List down via touch reveals the missing first item.

      With 6.7 the warning "QML QQuickRectangle: Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor." is printed.

      QtBase commit 61566fa52d260e9246a2c487ba9048222ceed24f

      QtDeclarative commit ac0bbf86c979ab3faef102890ceaceb0378f8ed4



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