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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-121355

Setting QMediaPlayer's source to the same value when mediaStatus is EndOfMedia and pressing play does not start media again from the beginning



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • P3: Somewhat important
    • None
    • 6.6.1
    • Multimedia
    • None
    • openSUSE Tumbleweed 20240110
      Using Qt version 6.6.1 in /usr/lib64
    • Linux/X11


      Run the following code

      #include <QCoreApplication>
      #include <QMediaPlayer>
      #include <QAudioOutput>
      #include <QTimer>
      int main(int argc, char *argv[])
          QCoreApplication app(argc, argv);
          auto *audioOutput = new QAudioOutput{};
          auto *mediaPlayer = new QMediaPlayer{};
          const QUrl mediaSource{QStringLiteral("file:///path/to/shortMediaFile.mp3")};
          QObject::connect(mediaPlayer, &QMediaPlayer::mediaStatusChanged, mediaPlayer, [mediaPlayer, mediaSource]() {
              if (mediaPlayer->mediaStatus() == QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia) {
                  qInfo() << "Media ended" << mediaPlayer->mediaStatus() << mediaPlayer->playbackState() << mediaPlayer->position();
                  qInfo() << "set source" << mediaPlayer->mediaStatus() << mediaPlayer->playbackState() << mediaPlayer->position();
                  // mediaPlayer->setPosition(0); // uncomment to make things work
                  // qInfo() << "set position" << mediaPlayer->mediaStatus() << mediaPlayer->playbackState() << mediaPlayer->position();
                  qInfo() << "set play" << mediaPlayer->mediaStatus() << mediaPlayer->playbackState() << mediaPlayer->position();
          return app.exec();

      The media only plays once and the output is this (repeats):

      GPU at BusId 0x8 doesn't have a supported video decoder
      [mjpeg_cuvid @ 0x592900] Codec mjpeg_cuvid is not supported.
      Media ended QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia QMediaPlayer::StoppedState 10582
      set source QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia QMediaPlayer::StoppedState 0
      [mjpeg_cuvid @ 0x5d1f80] Codec mjpeg_cuvid is not supported.
      set play QMediaPlayer::BufferedMedia QMediaPlayer::PlayingState 0
      Media ended QMediaPlayer::EndOfMedia QMediaPlayer::StoppedState 10582
      set source QMediaPlayer::LoadedMedia QMediaPlayer::StoppedState 0
      [mjpeg_cuvid @ 0x5d1f80] Codec mjpeg_cuvid is not supported.
      set play QMediaPlayer::BufferedMedia QMediaPlayer::PlayingState 0

      Usually I would expect the playback to start from the beginning, as this is what happens when setting the source & calling play for other media statuses (e.g. QMediaPlayer::Buffered). This is also what happens when setting a new source when the mediaStatus is EndOfMedia

      I would also say that setting the source to the same value can be a bit ambiguous, and personally I wasn't sure what to expect when trying this. I think that this special case should be documented in the QMediaPlayer source property so that people doing stuff like this know exactly what the expected behaviour is.


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