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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-121666

Drawer item positioned incorrectly when window contentItem is rotated



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      In my Qt application, which is intended to operate in landscape mode, I encounter an issue with the Drawer's positioning when using EGLFS. The application runs on a device whose display is primarily designed for portrait mode.

      To cater to this, I rotate the window's content item and resize both the content item and the overlay to fill the window. However, the Drawer seems to use the Window's size, and not the size of the rotated content item or the overlay, to calculate its position.

      This results in incorrect positioning of the Drawer. I believe it would be more appropriate for the Drawer positioning to use either the content item's size or the overlay's.


      I've attached an example that can be run on a raspberry pi using EGLFS with a display in landscape mode. The app then rotates to content Item 90 degree. The content item is then resized and positioned correctly to fill the window, so is the overlay. This is a workaround workaround to get most things working in scenario where EGLFS should be used but the display has to be rotated (https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-81605 ).

      I'm using a build where the following bugs have been resolved:

      -> 6.7.0 Beta2


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