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  1. Qt
  2. QTBUG-122009

A DragHandler in an Item which opens a popup enables Flickable to steal mouse events from a Slider in said popup



    • Windows


      The code below reproduces the issue. You need to long-press one of the blue squares, then a popup will appear. The popup contains a slider. Quite often when trying to drag the Slider's handle the Flickable (TableView) will kick in instead and start moving around its entire content. It's easier to trigger this behavior when dragging the handle vertically but it also happens horizontally / in arbitrary direction. IMHO this should not happen and looks like some kind of a weird interaction between the Slider, the DragHandler and the Flickable. Thank you in advance for your help. PS. I believe this happens when the point where you click on the slider is above something with a DragHandler in the background. Probably a duplicate of: 

      1. QTBUG-87815
      import QtQuick
      import QtQuick.Controls
      import QtQuick.Layouts
      import QtQuick.Shapes
      Window {
          width: 640
          height: 480
          visible: true
          title: qsTr("Hello World")
          TableView {
              anchors.fill: parent
              model: 5
              delegate: ColumnLayout {
                  Label {
                      text: "ABC"
                      font.pixelSize: 224
                  Slider {
                      from: 1
                      to: 10
                      stepSize: 1
                      snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
                      value: 5
                  Rectangle {
                      x: 0
                      y: 0
                      width: 200
                      height: 100
                      color: "red"
                      Rectangle {
                          x: 100
                          width: 100
                          height: 100
                          color: "green"
                          Repeater {
                              model: 3
                              delegate: Shape {
                                  required property var index
                                  y: index * 50
                                  containsMode: Shape.FillContains
                                  ShapePath {
                                      startX: 0; startY: 0
                                      PathLine { x: 50; y: 0 }
                                      PathLine { x: 50; y: 50 }
                                      PathLine { x: 0; y: 50 }
                                      PathLine { x: 0; y: 0 }
                                      fillColor: "blue"
                                  DragHandler {
                                      target: null
                                      onActiveChanged:  {
                                  TapHandler {
                                      onLongPressed: {
                                          var pt = mapToItem(Overlay.overlay, point.position)
                                          popup.x = pt.x
                                          popup.y = pt.y
                                  Popup {
                                      id: popup
                                      ButtonGroup {
                                          id: btnGroup
                                      parent: Overlay.overlay
                                      ColumnLayout {
                                          Button {
                                              ButtonGroup.group: btnGroup
                                              text: "Whatever"
                                              checkable: true
                                              checked: true
                                          Slider {
                                              from: 1
                                              to: 10
                                              stepSize: 1
                                              snapMode: Slider.SnapAlways
                                              value: 5
              ScrollBar.horizontal: ScrollBar {}
              ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {}




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