Resolution: Unresolved
P3: Somewhat important
... and advanceWidth doesn't match Text.implicitWidth.
Even with the changes like for QTBUG-7768 / QTBUG-85936 the advanceWidth and bounding metrics still disagree.
Also, despite the advice given in QTBUG-79144 and QTBUG-94023 the advanceWidth also isn't large enough to allow the Text element to render its text without eliding.
Please see the attached example, where we expect the text "Elided" to be elided, but NOT either "One" or "Three".
(Also a separate issue: I noticed that the advanceWidth value itself has changed between Qt 6.2.4 and Qt 6.5.3 with a particular font, cannot attach that example here, though.)
Tested on Windows 11 with Qt 6.6.1 and with Qt 6.2.4, using msvc.
Output follows:
$ /mnt/c/Development/Qt/6.2.4/msvc2019_64/bin/qmlscene.exe test.qml Warning: qmlscene is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Qt. Please use qml instead. qml: debugElided text = Elided, implicitWidth = 33.328125, advanceWidth = 32.265625, boundingWidth = 31.296875, tightBoundingWidth = 30.203125 qml: debugThree text = Three, implicitWidth = 31.328125, advanceWidth = 29.765625, boundingWidth = 29.296875, tightBoundingWidth = 29.0625 qml: debugOne text = One, implicitWidth = 22.671875, advanceWidth = 22.09375, boundingWidth = 21.625, tightBoundingWidth = 21.078125 $ /mnt/c/Development/Qt/6.6.1/msvc2019_64/bin/qmlscene.exe test.qml Warning: qmlscene is deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Qt. Please use qml instead. qml: debugElided text = Elided, implicitWidth = 33.328125, advanceWidth = 32.265625, boundingWidth = 30.203125, tightBoundingWidth = 30.4375 qml: debugThree text = Three, implicitWidth = 31.328125, advanceWidth = 29.765625, boundingWidth = 29.0625, tightBoundingWidth = 30 qml: debugOne text = One, implicitWidth = 22.671875, advanceWidth = 22.09375, boundingWidth = 21.078125, tightBoundingWidth = 21.6875
Example follows:
import QtQuick Item { width: 400 height: 400 Row { anchors.centerIn: parent height: debugOne.height spacing: 4 Text { id: debugOne width: Math.ceil(boundingWidth) text: "One" elide: Text.ElideRight "Arial" property real advanceWidth: fm.advanceWidth(text) property real boundingWidth: fm.boundingRect(text).width property real tightBoundingWidth: fm.tightBoundingRect(text).width property FontMetrics fm: FontMetrics { font: debugOne.font } Component.onCompleted: console.log("debugOne text = " + text + ", implicitWidth = " + implicitWidth + ", advanceWidth = " + advanceWidth + ", boundingWidth = " + boundingWidth + ", tightBoundingWidth = " + tightBoundingWidth) } Text { id: debugThree width: advanceWidth text: "Three" elide: Text.ElideRight "Arial" property real advanceWidth: fm.advanceWidth(text) property real boundingWidth: fm.boundingRect(text).width property real tightBoundingWidth: fm.tightBoundingRect(text).width property FontMetrics fm: FontMetrics { font: debugThree.font } Component.onCompleted: console.log("debugThree text = " + text + ", implicitWidth = " + implicitWidth + ", advanceWidth = " + advanceWidth + ", boundingWidth = " + boundingWidth + ", tightBoundingWidth = " + tightBoundingWidth) } Text { id: debugElided width: Math.ceil(boundingWidth) - 8 // force elision text: "Elided" elide: Text.ElideRight "Arial" property real advanceWidth: fm.advanceWidth(text) property real boundingWidth: fm.boundingRect(text).width property real tightBoundingWidth: fm.tightBoundingRect(text).width property FontMetrics fm: FontMetrics { font: debugElided.font } Component.onCompleted: console.log("debugElided text = " + text + ", implicitWidth = " + implicitWidth + ", advanceWidth = " + advanceWidth + ", boundingWidth = " + boundingWidth + ", tightBoundingWidth = " + tightBoundingWidth) } } }
Issue Links
- replaces
QTBUG-79144 FontMetrics and Text element report different width for the same text
- Closed